New test mix, need advice

Dec 28, 2005
Hey guys, need some advice on this mix.

Guitars are dual tracked panned 100L/100R (L and R have slightly different amp EQs):
ESP/LTD EC-50 (standard pickups) -> Line6 Toneport UX1 -> TSS -> Simuanalog JCM800 -> kefir (Marshall 1960A V30 SM57 - 01.wav [Sperimental impulses 1.0.6]) -> ReaEQ (notching out 700, 1.5k, 3k, 6k and LP @ 7500)

Bass is one take split into two tracks:
Ibanez GSR200 -> Presonus Firebox -> C4 (Sneap settings) ->
1: TSS (10/0/7.5) -> AmpegSVX (SVT4-Pro with high mids and highs boosted) -> ReaEQ (boosting the freqs that were nothced from the guitars) -> kefir (E4x10_57_A107.wav) -> W1 (-5.5dB)

2: AmpegSVX (SVT4-Pro with lows and low mids boosted) -> kefir (SWR 15 441 edge - 6dB.wav) -> W1 (-5.5dB)

Drums are SD2 NY Kit:
Snare: Morgoe's gog -> ReaEQ (HP@52hz; HS@5k, -1.6dB) -> GClip (9db, 100%, 0%)
Kick: ReaComp (-24.5dB, 12.9ms attack, 7.5:1, dry = +1.1) -> ReaEQ (HP@64.1hz, 3k -2dB, LP@8083hz)
OH: ReaEQ (4.5dB boost @ 11.5k)
Subkick: ReaEQ (HP@20hz, LP@1541hz)
Toms: ReaEQ (HP@80hz)

Vocals are his SM57 -> Toneport UX1 -> some slight reverb, chorus, and L2 to make the track louder as it was only peaking at -10db or something like that.

Master has L2 @ 0.0dB Threshold, -6.5dB ceiling, 8.04 release with ARC enabled, 16bit quantize/Type 1 dithering/Ultra shaping

Keep in mind that having gone through all available options (playing with SoloC, 8505, 7170, Revalver demo, JCM800, etc), I'm thinking that the guitar players input chain is the reason why I havent been able to get a good tone for this specific project.

When I play my guitar through the settings I have setup in a preset for his DIs, my guitar comes out severely undergained. He recently got an LTD VB-200 (that has EMG-HZs, I believe) and the tone was relatively the same, so it can't be the pickups. I'm thinking the cause of this is either
A) the UX1 not being a good interface
B) him not going through a DI box into the UX1
C) both.

The bass guitar doesn't really cut through on my speakers (Logitech, as this used to be a gaming computer before I got into music and slight production work) but it cuts through like hell on my headphones. Everything else sounds relatively okay to my ears (this is only for a demo, keep in mind) but I still feel like more could be done with it.