Black metal with heavy bass drum


Tonka Time

Any suggestions for black metal with a heavy bass drum sound and blast beats.
Black metal where the bass drum stands out more than the other instruments.
Example - bass drum in Mysticum's Eriaminell.
If you are referring to programmed base drums, check out other industrial black metal bands such as Aborym(early)and The Axis of Perdition.

Besides industrial black metal, i cant really think of any other black metal bands that have their base stand out more than the other instruments. Dimmu Borgir maybe...
Didn't really mean programmed, just used Eriaminell as an example of the kind of sound I'm looking for in the bass drum.
The bass drum is muffled somewhat in most of the black metal that I listen to (that isnt industrial or mixed with death).

I'm already aware of Aborym and The Axis of Perdition.
Lunar Aurora
Nocte Obducta
Ne Obliviscaris
Secrets of the Moon
Woods of Ypres

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The bass drum and the drums in general are pretty audible in some Immortal stuff like Battles in the North, which is a really good thing in some situations; but Abbath isn't the most amazing drummer. He does really good on that album I think though, his drumming really fits the album. I've heard some say it was too much like death metal drumming, but whatever, that album is cold and black metal as fuck.
I've heard Secrets of the Moon, Immortal, Absu, and Nagelfar.
I enjoyed the other bands posted by Eligos but I have a less melodic sound in mind. Antaeus' "Cut Your Flesh and Worship Satan" would be a good example.