Black smokers

Which is better?

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    Votes: 9 75.0%
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    Votes: 3 25.0%

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I hope I am never fully anti-smoke. I think the people who never ever have a cigarette again haven't truly quit smoking because their behaviour is still dictated by tobacco, so I'm going to strive for a happy medium. I did have a cigarette yesterday, but I justified it by drinking screwdrivers before I did so.
josh speaks the truth - I can never smoke a single cigarette again lest I go back to right where I started from. Being an addict for 10 years means that yes, my life IS dictated by tobacco forever.
Originally posted by xfer
It's like alcoholism--the full-abstinence way isn't the only way to not be an alcoholic, but for many people it's the only way that works.

totally - some people can just have a smoke or two every so often and it never escalates or affects them otherwise. I don't understand how, but they do it. I'm too much of an addictive personality I guess.

Originally posted by FuSoYa

Well, along constructive midocean ridges you have hyrothermal vents. Because of the high amount of friction and tectonic activity (magma chambers etc.) the water which has been circulating in the rocks below the ridge has been warmed up (up to 350 degrees c), which mean it can absord more minerals from the surrounding rocks. As soon as the water escapes into the colder sea water, it's solubility decreases and it deposits it's absorbed sulphides/ the sulphides precipitate, as it escapes, forming the black smoker :)

They normally occur on sulphide mounds in fields of many black smokers, which rox0rs. What rox0rs even more is the smokers support an entire ecosystem :o The only on in the world not relying on sunlight as a pirmary energy source.. Some think that is how life on earth may have first formed, but I'm disinclined to agree with them ;)

That's it in brief, what else do you wanna know?