Black Swans


Sep 19, 2002
Buffalo, NY
Without a doubt, my favorite track of the album. It as everything.. great keys, melody, clean voice, great growls, great sound. Great progression.. fuck.. I think this is the ultimate Forest Stream song. One that doesn't seem to get enough credit :)

That's all.. love the new album guys..
Russell!!!:lol: How often do you have conversations with Hearse?:) :lol:
I can feel how you gain more Hearse's features:) :lol: So you have a lot of black peckers in there?:)! HAHAHAHA!!:lol:
out of the songs i d/led off black swans was my favorite song. I made a russian metal mixed cd for myself and black swans was the one i picked for it. thats how i found out about forest stream. i was looking for russian bands to make a russian mix CD.
I hope guys the next CD will be something even more special:)!
Necromaster said:
out of the songs i d/led off black swans was my favorite song. I made a russian metal mixed cd for myself and black swans was the one i picked for it. thats how i found out about forest stream. i was looking for russian bands to make a russian mix CD.

Did you by any chance check out any Tvangeste tracks? Check them out link below at their site. New album due out on World Chaos Records (Japan) in May.
valgalder said:
Did you by any chance check out any Tvangeste tracks? Check them out link below at their site. New album due out on World Chaos Records (Japan) in May.

yup i did. here is the list of bands i checked out.

Autumnal Discord
Butterfly Temple
By Autumn Embraced
Crystal Abyss
Forest Stream
Lead Weight
Manic Depression
Seducers Embrace
Vicious Crusade

not all could fit on the one CD. only 13 bands made it on.

here is the track list of the cd

Radigost - Paths of Chronos
Crystal Abyss - First Born Snow
Vicious Crusade - Who Are These Men?
Lead Weight - Useless
Nefelim - inquisition
ABSURD - No Return
Tvangeste - Raven
Autumnal Discord - Into The Forest
By Autumn Embraced - One step towards the fading sun
SEDUCER'S EMBRACE - Moonlight Serenade
Manic Depression - Who Deals the Pain
Butterfly Temple - Èðèé / Åäåò Êîëÿäà
Forest Stream - Black Swans
Sonm said:
Russell!!!:lol: How often do you have conversations with Hearse?:) :lol:
I can feel how you gain more Hearse's features:) :lol: So you have a lot of black peckers in there?:)! HAHAHAHA!!:lol:

:lol: Not that often infact, he isn't online that much! :)

And I wasn't even going to go into the "black peckers" puns, so :p

I just had a nasty experience with a black swan a summer or two back! :waah:

Hearse said:
Ohh you just leave me out of Russell's black peckers! :lol:

Yes Black Swans is one of my favorite songs of the album among Mel Kor :rock:

@Russel: I'm online... alot, but you arent :p

:lol: I'm on most days, it must be at different times ;)

I saw this and thought of you:


One last thing.. I do prefer the demo version of Black Swans just a LITTLE more than the Tears.. version. I like the clean vocals better in the beginning.. but both versions are superb!