

Aug 23, 2003
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Got this article from the Metaliblog site.....

Blackgates is Dan Nelson's reclaim to fame! (Eat this, Anthrax!)
The first glimpses of Dan Nelson's new big-band project are started to take shape. Nelson, as we all know as the former frontman of that dreaded sinking-ship of a band called Anthrax from 2007-2009, has emerged with a new group of dudes with 'tudes! And he's brought some ample manpower to back him up. PAUL BOSTAPH!!!!! Yeah, that dude from a couple bands you may know as TESTAMENT, EXODUS.... oh yeah, and you may have heard of SLAYER, perhaps? Not too sure of the other two guys flanking Nelson and Bostaph, but they look pretty sick (and I mean that in a good way).

My first impression, based on this photo of the band, was of a Seattle grunge-style Black Sabbath, or Alice in Chains from back in the day. (It might just be the color tone of the pic, though.) I wish I could say that I've heard some tracks, but Nelson assures me that everything is coming along nicely and "to expect something very unexpected"! No doubt we'll probably get to see and hear Blackgates before those dinosaur douchers in 'Thrax can release "Worship Music" (GOD, I HATE THAT TITLE!!!!) in time.

At this point, my money's on Blackgates! Hang 'em high! \m/

Dan sent me a track a couple weeks ago and all I can say is this shit is fucking heavy!!!
I heard/read this band hired a no name local hero guitarist thats supposed to be out of this world talented. A real shredder. I like Caggiano as a guitarist. His production work on wcfya is awesome but I hate how his improvisational work on Spitz's solos. He should take note of Broderick from Megadeth's work and just play them verbatim. Metalheads are purists and that's never going to change.
Yeah, that button will be listed next to the Worship Music cd on I-Tunes when it comes out.

That's just fine and dandy. Actually, I don't mind the news. I just don't like all the negativity towards Anthrax from whom ever wrote the article. They could have left the immature BS out of it, imo.
That's just fine and dandy. Actually, I don't mind the news. I just don't like all the negativity towards Anthrax from whom ever wrote the article. They could have left the immature BS out of it, imo.

I didn't care for it either but if they wait any longer Scott's knees might not be able to support slam dancing to the new material. Haha. I noticed he didn't do any for the Stoopid Things when they were on Fuse TV. But that would be like headbanging to Dave Matthews.
I didn't care for it either but if they wait any longer Scott's knees might not be able to support slam dancing to the new material. Haha. I noticed he didn't do any for the Stoopid Things when they were on Fuse TV. But that would be like headbanging to Dave Matthews.

I hear ya lol.
Got this article from the Metaliblog site.....

Blackgates is Dan Nelson's reclaim to fame! (Eat this, Anthrax!)
The first glimpses of Dan Nelson's new big-band project are started to take shape. Nelson, as we all know as the former frontman of that dreaded sinking-ship of a band called Anthrax from 2007-2009, has emerged with a new group of dudes with 'tudes! And he's brought some ample manpower to back him up. PAUL BOSTAPH!!!!! Yeah, that dude from a couple bands you may know as TESTAMENT, EXODUS.... oh yeah, and you may have heard of SLAYER, perhaps? Not too sure of the other two guys flanking Nelson and Bostaph, but they look pretty sick (and I mean that in a good way).

My first impression, based on this photo of the band, was of a Seattle grunge-style Black Sabbath, or Alice in Chains from back in the day. (It might just be the color tone of the pic, though.) I wish I could say that I've heard some tracks, but Nelson assures me that everything is coming along nicely and "to expect something very unexpected"! No doubt we'll probably get to see and hear Blackgates before those dinosaur douchers in 'Thrax can release "Worship Music" (GOD, I HATE THAT TITLE!!!!) in time.

At this point, my money's on Blackgates! Hang 'em high! m/

Dan sent me a track a couple weeks ago and all I can say is this shit is fucking heavy!!!

You obviously don't know much about him or you would call him by his real name "DON NELSON"
i liked dan to start with but u could c his decline when he started acting like anselmo in interviews,the guy cant handle life on the road,best of luck to him though.
i liked dan to start with but u could c his decline when he started acting like anselmo in interviews,the guy cant handle life on the road,best of luck to him though.

Don didn't just act like Phil Anselmo in interviews he would act like him on stage. He would seriously try to imitate Phil's every move. I didn't know anything about Don Nelson when I saw him play with Anthrax. But the entire time I was like "Is this guy for real? Looks like watching Phil Anselmo back when he had long hair" Big time identity crisis.
how long was his time in Anthrax? not even 1 record with him was released and never will be. that guy is a no-name that tries too hard to be Phil Anselmo. he shouldn't even be mentioned at this time.
I like Dan's time with the band and thought he gave them an more youthful edge that they desperately needed to be relevant again. Great singer who could do all eras of the band well, and Anthrax had a lot of momentum starting up around the time he was fired. Shame, cause they've done nothing but swirl in their own since he left.
I don't care about Don Nelson, but the original post....that isn't a link to a professional article, it's something some 10 year old buddy of Don wrote. I don't understand why we're even talking about it, it's as meaningless as Don Nelson himself was.
The "author" admits he's never even heard this band - but he's proclaiming them as the next big thing because he saw a fucking PHOTO and liked how they look?
I like Dan's time with the band and thought he gave them an more youthful edge that they desperately needed to be relevant again. Great singer who could do all eras of the band well, and Anthrax had a lot of momentum starting up around the time he was fired. Shame, cause they've done nothing but swirl in their own since he left.

Big momentum? Nobody outside of a few on this forum even know who Don Nelson is. Momentum was when they did the Big 4 and Joey was back on the mic. You are not going to reinvent yourself with a band like Anthrax. They are an old school thrash band that really lost their identity a long time ago and have been struggling to find it ever since. Hopefully now they are content with just accepting the fact that they are Anthrax and putting out some quality Anthrax music.