

Sep 28, 2004
Boston MA
A band seemingly on every metal tour in the U.S. for the past couple of years. This sets them up to be easy-to-hate due to audiences getting tired out fast, but I figured I'd give them an honest listen and I can't deny that I kind of like the stuff on their myspace. I was expecting way worse to be honest. They definitely will have credibility troubles for being untr00 folk metal, but there is some good songwriting and energetic, enthusiastic playing going on here. I think I'm going to actually pay attention when I see them open for other bands this year. Other than overexposure syndrome, if they play their cards right they could potentially become the biggest U.S. force in folk metal.

Your thoughts?
I had never seen them before the Epica show last month, because I am just not into most of the bands that they had toured with in the past and missed Paganfest last year. But I did thoroughly enjoy them when they opened for Epica.
The music was nothing groundbreaking, but all around, a great performance. I would definitely see them again, and I agree....if they play their cards right, they will do well.
I had never seen them before the Epica show last month, because I am just not into most of the bands that they had toured with in the past and missed Paganfest last year. But I did thoroughly enjoy them when they opened for Epica.
The music was nothing groundbreaking....if they play their cards right, they will do well.

This pretty much sums up my opinion of their show. I went in with relatively low expectations for Blackguard, but was pleasantly surprised.
They completely schooled everyone on the Atl bill except for Epica IMO from a show standpoint. They were a very energetic and well oiled machine....I'm not a huge fan of the CD so far, but they really killed it live....