It was 85'-86' I believe.
Around that time there was not to many women in metal bands certainly not in the U.S. Of course Hellion, Madam X, most similar was Bitch and maybe a few others; still very few women in those days. The only other female fronted metal band I can think of from N.Y. is Blacklace and I believe that was a little earlier than Blacksmith. A lot of these women were easily overlooked or forgotten about either due to the size of the band or just a few that came and went quickly. A shame really because many of these ladies certainly held their own; Heidi Black for instance I think brought attitude and was just as strong and "tough" as any man in a band in 1986. Same goes for Betsy, Anne and the others. You would have never seen these ladies in flowing dresses they were rockers.
Heidi makes me think of a cross of Betsy and Wendy O (another shamefully overlooked innovator). Kerrang seemed to have really liked Heidi too but they had a thing for women in bands back then.

We tried to get Heidi involved with this project, matter of fact tried a few times. It is very confusing why it did not come about but she was offered. She could have been included in new recordings, on the upcoming Euro fest dates, etc but ... Though I have many people asking about her and I really don't know what to say to them.