Blackstar HT-5 Help


Humanoid typhoon
Sep 7, 2010
Tulsa, Oklahoma.
It's NAD at Vandalia, and I'm having trouble with my HT5r. I was going to do some reamps and clips and all that, but the thing seems to be having some output issues. I'm using the Mesa trad and the output is very low, almost as if the master is way down, but there's no master for this amp. Both channels are affected, little to no volume no matter how high I push the channel volumes. It's not the cab, as the cab works fine with my Randall. Do any of you have any idea what's happening?
Oh my god some jabroni fucked off random resistor no.1 and it freaking works now. Two tube swaps and an electrocution later, INSPECT THE BOARD FIRST.
Are you getting anything out through the headphone or effects loop? Checked fuses? If you've already cracked it open, did you see anything that looked like a suspect solder joint? Does it work cold and then fizz out when it warms up? Is there a woosh sound which is usually a cap?

Just throwing things out there to check. I don't have a schematic handy.
Effects loop works, emulated output works. Fuses are working. there was a little burn for a random resistor that I fixed, and for a minute there it worked. Actually, it does work for about five minutes and starts to fizz, drop in volume, and finally distort shittily. Every time. I throw it in standby and when I take it off it works for a minute or so. Then drops and shits out, and a weird sporadic hummy scratchy noise comes out of the cab. Should I post a clip?