Blackwater Park Special Edition

You're probably going to have to be more specific. You talking about the cover of the CD or the Black Sip Cover?

I have the limited edition. Still day beneath the sun and patterns in the ivy II are TOTALLY worth it...

I assume he means the slip cover, seeing the inside cover is mainly the same cover without "Blackwater Park" written over it.
I apologize for my lack of specification. Yes, Mr. S, it is the slipcase that I am looking for. If anybody has a copy that they wouldn't mind sending my way, or a link, that would be great!

I have the limited edition. Still day beneath the sun and patterns in the ivy II are TOTALLY worth it...

Agreed! Both songs are absolutely fantastic!
By the way, patterns in the ivy 2 and still day beneath the sun are currently at my number 2 and 3 spots for my favorite slow songs, just underneath "a fair judgement". I just cant believe why they didnt include them in the original blackwater park, if they did it would be my favorite album instead of still life (i have a weird way of grading shit in my mind i know)
Id pretty much give anything to hear Patterns II in concert. As well as Hours of wealth for that matter.

The two best opeth songs imo.