Blastbeats in Superior 2.0

not if you increase the volume of the mic it is miced with when the blast beats kick in :rock::goggly::rock:

Still won't sound the same, though. Most drummers will hit lighter for a blast beat, and a drum sounds different when it's being hit at those lower velocities, regardless of volume level.
I'm pretty sure triggers can capture dynamics (I think the difference is whether the sampler that they're triggering is set up to be dynamic-sensitive)
I'm pretty sure triggers can capture dynamics (I think the difference is whether the sampler that they're triggering is set up to be dynamic-sensitive)

Of course they can :) The signal strength varies from the vibration they pick up.

It's just that (not to be a prick but) every kiddo/clueless person associates triggers with DIMMUH BORGIRZ0RZ instantly.

I'm sure that if you sampled a jazz kit with very very many velocity samples, you could play jazz perfectly fine with an all out triggered kit.
Yeah turning the velocities down a bit helps a lot with blast beats. Still tho I really can't figure out how to make gravity blasts with S20, I tried turning down the velocities to absolute minimum and still it sounds like drummer playin 16's with two hands. Sum weird shit huh.