Blaze Bayley in Baltimore 10/31/11- Short Review & Setlist


Your option out of here
Feb 4, 2006
Baltimore, MD
Got my chance to finally see Blaze Bayley on Monday night & it was well worth the wait! He sounded amazing & played a great set of Iron Maiden, Wolfsbane, and solo material. Only about 15-20 people there to see him but Blaze still performed as if it were for 15,000. Met him after the show & he was such a nice dude & very thankful for the support, and very thankful for people supporting his solo career and not just his brief period in Iron Maiden. I'm a huge fan of Blaze. I love his work with Wolfsbane, I'm one of the few who likes the Maiden albums with Blaze, and I absolutely love his solo material, in particular, Blood & Belief, which quickly became one of my favorite albums. I highly recommend if you have the chance to see him on this tour, do not miss it! I still don't understand why there is so much hatred toward Blaze Bayley. Sure, he's not Bruce Dickinson, but who is, aside from Bruce himself?


1. The Brave
2. Futureal
3. Lord of the Flies
4. When Two Worlds Collide
5. Voices from the Past
6. The Launch
7. Steel
8. Killing Machine
9. Virus
10. Look for the Truth
11. Kill & Destroy
12. Blood & Belief
13. Man on the Edge
14. Manhunt!
15. Robot
16. The Clansman
17. I Like it Hot
I'm jealous. I was supposed to see him in VA. :( I heard he was amazing though, so I'm hoping his tour was a success.
I'm jealous. I was supposed to see him in VA. :( I heard he was amazing though, so I'm hoping his tour was a success.

I surely hope he get more than 20-people crowds for the other shows of the tour, cause otherwise, it won't be a success financially...

If he'd have come near my place, I surely would have gone to the show. He seems to avoid stuff from his latest CDs on the setlist, which is a good thing IMO. I think there is a huge gap in term of quality from the first 3 Blaze albums (which are excellent for me, and the best stuff he's done in his career) and the next ones...
I surely hope he get more than 20-people crowds for the other shows of the tour, cause otherwise, it won't be a success financially...

But what he lacks in volume, he can make up in price! If he gets 20 on Sunday night in Chicago, at $12 apiece, that'd be $240! Um, wait.... :goggly:

Kind of incredible how unable he's been to milk his stint in Iron Maiden. Guess it doesn't help that he got stuck with the albums when no one cared about Maiden.

I wasn't really planning on going to this, since I hadn't followed Blaze since his first solo album, but after seeing the setlist, it looks like I still know at least half of it. And since I love 'The X Factor' + 'Virtual XII', I realize now I totally need to see this. Too bad he's playing all the worst songs (the short, fast ones) and not enough of the great ones (the long, slow ones), but yay for 'When Two Worlds Collide' and 'Look For the Truth'!

He seems to avoid stuff from his latest CDs on the setlist, which is a good thing IMO. I think there is a huge gap in term of quality from the first 3 Blaze albums (which are excellent for me, and the best stuff he's done in his career) and the next ones...

What?!?...."The Man Who Would Not Die" and "Promise And Terror" are freakin' amazing cds. All of Blaze's albums since his Maiden stint are incredible. I'm looking forward to the reunited Wolfsbane...should be interesting.
Shit... I would have driven several hours to see this, considering my chances to see Blaze Bayley again in the future are probably going to be limited at best, but the closest show on the tour was about 1000 miles away. Oh well.
saw him @ Showcase Live in Foxboro MA; thought he was incredible despite the backing band. Crowd of no more than 50 but he played as if he was in a packed stadium.
I totally forgot about this to be perfectly honest. I remember hearing about it at the announcement, but there really hasn't been any promotion since. I'm assuming that probably has hurt the numbers a bit. Due to other shows coming up, I'm unfortunately going to have to pass. If it was at another time, I probably would've gone no doubt.
A friend and I are driving up to Indy for the Falcons/Colts game this weekend. I'm half tempted to add the trip to Chicago for the show Sunday night, but adding an extra 6-hour round trip isn't really doable. Still pissed this show didn't come any further south than DC in the east. Blaze is on my metal bucket list.... damnit.
saw him @ Showcase Live in Foxboro MA; thought he was incredible despite the backing band. Crowd of no more than 50 but he played as if he was in a packed stadium.

His band is not good? I recall a DVD he released a few years ago with a really average backing band...That's weird. The guys on the 1st 3 Blaze discs were great.
His band is not good? I recall a DVD he released a few years ago with a really average backing band...That's weird. The guys on the 1st 3 Blaze discs were great.

Unfortunately, he doesn't have that band with him on this tour. He brought in a lead guitarist who's name I can't remember but he looked kinda like Andy Lee from Circle II Circle & he had some band called Man the Destroyer serving as his rhythm guitarist/ bassist/ drummer. They were pretty tight on the Blaze stuff, I didn't see Man the Destroyer's actual set but I heard they were really bad. At the Baltimore show, when the band performed the Blaze set, it sounded good. I wish he would have had his actual band with him, though.
I saw Blaze at Showcase Live in Foxboro Ma. on 10/27/2011 the 1st. night of the tour and thought the show was great ! The Wolfsbane songs were rockin' to hear them played live kicked ass . He was a super nice guy and very thankful to the few people that showed up .
Blaze originally had Icarus Witch lined up (they did the same for Di'Anno last year) but it must have fallen through. Icarus Witch's name was still on the tickets that were sold the night of the MA show.
Saw Blaze in OKC Friday night-what an incredible show!! However, there was no Blaze merchandise. Does anyone know if he had merch at any of the earlier shows on the U.S. tour?