

Real World's Mad Girl
What a wicked review that was.. but then hell that was a darn great gig so its not surprising .. nice to see a journo who knows what they are talking about ..

talking of blaze..
If u enjoyed them at bloodstock this year...
check out my sig banner for info on the upcoming blaze bash in Dudley, Birmingham..

the last years have been great
and it is well worth checkin it out :D

Bah! But it's in Dudley. What's wrong with London? Anyone would think the man was from the midlands or something.... :) Seriously, though, I'll be at The Astoria for Lacuna Coil that night. Otherwise, I'd have considered going. Blaze have been sufficiently good the last few times I've seen them that' it'd be worth a trip up to the blasted northern wastes to see them again...
I too would sooner see Lacuna Coil as I've seen Blaze many times. However neither are currently an option for me as my sister is getting married that day.

Maybe I'll get a cardboard cut out of myself for the wedding and head south to London
MentaLee said:
Depends on what you're trying to say...for you it's Blaze and for me it's Blasé ;)

and btw.. learn to spell
it is

:p :lol: :p


madgirl said:
The big bash will fail to disapoint!

I'm sure it won't fail to dissapoint and if my sister wasn't getting married I'd have considered coming along until I'd have discovered Lacuna Coil were playing then I'd have opted for London.
madgirl said:
looks like thats the only fun thing u have in your life then , heh?

Unfortunately you're right! Life with Eagle can be pretty grim at times! ;) Plus of course his crap sense of humour rubs off on you!! :p No hard feelings Madgirl I was only laughing at Mentalee not yourself :)