Blazing Prods Update


Nov 17, 2005

Thunderkraft (Ukr) – The Banner of Victory CD
Industrial/Folk/Deathcore with members of Astrofaes, Nokturnal Mortum and Kolo.

Legion of Doom (Hellas) – The Desecration 10” gatefold
Re-release of their demo on vinyl
Limited to 500 copies.

Released recently:

Bannerwar (Hellas) – Chronicles of Pagan Steel - gatefold 7”
2 new tracks of Hellenic Heathen Black Metal
Limited to 500 pieces.

Bannerwar (Hellas) – Logo shirt
Limited to 50 pieces.

More info on: -> releases , for tracks etc.
Inferno Legie Nesmrtelnych Vinyl
Nocternity A Fallen Unicorn Vinyl
TheSyre Duality Vinyl
Svardenvyrd Obycej Slunovratu CD
Vargulf / Sagenland Split Vinyl
Blodarv Soulcollector... The Thousand Years Tale CD
Elysian Blaze Cold Walls & Apparitions CD
Hithlum In the Land of Mordor, where the Shadows lie CD
Nebelkorona Dämmerung im Herbst Vinyl
Nokturnal Mortum NeChrist SHIRT Misc
Nokturnal Mortum NeChrist LONGSLEEVE Misc
Nokturnal Mortum Old Warrior God GOLD EDITION SHIRT Misc
Nokturnal Mortum World Outlook / Weltanschauung SHIRT Misc
Nokturnal Mortum World Outlook LONGSLEEVE Misc
Pestnebel Der schwarze Tod CD
Temnozor Pagan Might, Right of Might LONGSLEEVE Misc
Vinterriket Landschaften ewiger Einsamkeit CD
Vinterriket / Northaunt Split CD
Absurd / Pantheon Wolfskrieger / Galdur Vikodlaks CD
Frostmoon Eclipse Dead and Forever Gone CD
Odal ...wilde Kraft CD
Odal ...wilde Kraft Vinyl
Odal ...wilde Kraft Misc
Sombre Chemin / Ornaments of Sin Durch Ruinen und Düstere Kriegsfelder CD

We are proud to announce that we will re-release Stutthof's CD: And
Cosmos from Ashes to Dust

Re-release of the CD, previously released on Battlefield. Includes the
1997 demo.
Comes with new lay-out.
Balfor Volki Severa Tape
Uruk-Hai In Durins Halls Tape
Uruk-Hai Songs from the Woods Tape
Akerbeltz A Wave of Darkness CD
Frost, The True Open the Portals to Darkness CD
Sombre Chemin Doctrine CD
Allfather Weapon of Ascension CD
Allfather Weapon of Ascension Vinyl
Bannerwar To Honour Fatherland Tape
Bergthron Faust für Faust CD
Bergthron Jagdheim CD
Bombensturm Machtwerk CD
Die Saat Niedergang Vinyl
Dusk Carpathian Darkness CD
Gauntlet's Sword SHIRT Misc
Gospel of the Horns A Call to Arms CD
Grom / Wulfgrav Fullmoon Warfare CD
Menhir Die Ewigen Steine CD
Menhir Thuringia CD
Pantheon A*** Rebirth SHIRT Misc
Sol Axis Mark the Ages Vinyl
The Shadow Order Raise the Banners Vinyl
Ultimatum Jeunes et Européens CD
Volkolak Dark Shine of Scales CD
+ CD's by Supernal
Axis of Advance Obey CD
Himinbjorg Haunted Shores CD
Lucifugum Stigma Egoism CD
Lugubrum De Totem CD
Sear Bliss Decade of Perdition DVD Misc
Sear Bliss Glory and Perdition CD
Tsjuder Demonic Possession CD
Nachtmystium Demise CD
Nocternity Onyx Vinyl
Pogrom Streets of Hate CD
Superchrist South of Hell CD
Dawn of Division Awaiting the Dawn Tape
Dawn of Division Outrage of Desolation Tape
Arkona Lepta CD
Graveland Fire Chariot of Destruction Vinyl
Liholesie Vast Homeland CD
Unterwald / Viking Blood / Myrkvid / Funeral Forest Europe - Alliance Vinyl
Taake ...Bjoergvin... CD
Taake Nattestid Ser Porten Vid CD
Dub Buk Misjac Pomsty CD
Dub Buk Rus Ponad Vse! CD
Munruthel Oriana's Tales CD
Akitsa / Prurient Split CD
October Falls Marras CD
October Falls Tuoni CD
Whites Load My Heart, Blood of Mine CD
Arkona Lepta CD
Graveland Fire Chariot of Destruction Vinyl
Liholesie Vast Homeland CD
Unterwald / Viking Blood / Myrkvid / Funeral Forest Europe - Alliance
Astrofaes Ancestors' Shadows Tape
Astrofaes Heritage Tape
Finist Awakening CD
Gauntlet's Sword / Stutthof Into the White Waters of Hellas Tape
Graveland EpiloguE Tape
Graveland In the Glare of Burning Churches Tape
Kroda Towards the Firmaments Verge of Life... Tape
Lechia / Archandrja Guardians of Aryan Blood Tape
Vargleide Just Ashes, Dust and Burning Ground remains... Tape
Ildjarn Forest Poetry CD
Ildjarn Nocturnal Visions CD
Morbius Sojourns through the Septiac CD
Arkenstone Arkenstone CD
Darkthule Summon Thee to awake the Ancient Past Tape
Forest In the Flame of Glory CD
Griftefrid Blodlyse Tape
Nordvykk Nordland CD
Satanic Warmaster Black Katharsis CD
Trebuchet ZINE Issue 1 Fall 2005 Misc
Kroda Towards the Firmaments Verge of Life... CD
Kroda Cry to me, River CD
Moontower - Antichrist Supremacy Domain Tape
Hordagaard - Ravnablod / Trollskap Tape
Hel - Falland Vörandi CD
Bylec-Tum Issue 12 ZINE Misc
Holmgang SHIRT Misc
Morrigan Headcult CD
Morrigan Headcult Vinyl
Nordisches Blut Our Banners will Rise SHIRT Misc
Vargsang Hateful Black Metal SHIRT Misc
We're proud to announce we will release


Hellenic Black Metal, dedicated to the Ancient mysteries of blood.

Re-release of the CD previously released on Battlefield.
Comes with all new lay-out and will include their 1997 Worship demo.

The Legions section of Stutthof is ready:


Shirt of Thunderkraft will be made as soon as possible:
Akitsa Aube de la Misanthropie CD
Argar Cwm Annwn CD
Argar Grim March to Black Eternity CD
Inferno Chrám Nenávisti Tape
Inferno Pure Serbian Hell Tape
Nortt Ligfaerd Tape
Old Wainds Scalding Coldness Vinyl
Old Wainds / Nav We are the North CD
Unio Mystica s/t CD
Astrofaes Heritage Tape
Finist Awakening Tape
Finist Crosses Shall Burn Tape
Lutomysl Challenge Tape
Svarga The Symbol of Freedom Tape
Svarga 'Yav' Arising Tape
Nokturne Kruelty Kampaign CD
Kolo Kolo CD
Anti The Insignificance of Life CD
Brigade M Nationaal Revolutionair CD
Branikald The Triumph of the Will CD
Forest As a Song in the Harvest of Grief CD
Forest Foredooming the Hope for Eternity CD
Taken from Metal Coven:

Thunderkraft Reviewed – 02/05/06
The Banner of Victory
[Blazing Productions]
I had no clue who the Ukrainian band Thunderkraft was when I first saw their debut full length album "The Banner Of Victory" advertised in an online distro, but as soon as I heard they were a Folk Death Metal band, I ordered it right away. When it comes to Folk Metal, there's just not much out there in the Death Metal genre, so I picked it up just for the speciality of it all. Also, learning that among Thunderkraft's ranks are two Nokturnal Mortum session musicians, a member of Drudkh, and the flute player for Kolo made me want it even more!
The Death Metal aspect of Thunderkraft's music has a lot of groove, is extremely heavy and very well played. The closest comparison I can find to other bands out there is that throughout "The Banner Of Victory" I hear influences from the first Dismember, Entombed and Grave albums. It's very atmospheric, melodic and Swedish sounding Death Metal, but this is good since Dismember, Grave and Entombed themselves have not played in this great style in a long while. As I mentioned before, there is a lot of groove in their music, as well as a lot of those guitar "squeal" techniques Death and Thrash Metal bands like to use. Very rarely, and I mean rarely, the album picks up speed and will sound a bit Black Metal, but this is only evident in a few spots on the album, and it only resembles Black Metal at all because of the drum blast beats. The C.D. also sees the liberal use of a synth, and it works quite well with the rest of their sound, if you can imagine that. Last but not least, what makes this a Death "Folk" Metal album is Ann's excellent flute playing. Don't think the flute is played constantly on the album, because it isn't. You'll mostly only hear it at the beginning or end of a song, or if the Death Metal breaks down into a more acoustical style. The few flute parts that she does play here add such a kick ass layer of folkiness to the dirty and guttural Death Metal sound of the album, that the end result is impossible for me to describe here. You'd think flutes and Death Metal wouldn't work, but it does so very well. I guess Dark Reality pulled off Death Metal with a recorder with great results, so this shouldn't be any surprise. Ann also plays flute for another band called Kolo whose album I bought not too long ago that didn't impress me at all. I bought it thinking it was an outright acoustic Folk album, but it had all kinds of World Music and other crap on it that ruined it for me. The Folk music and traditional instruments on that album, some played by Ann, were great though.
The vocals on "The Banner Of Victory" really remind me of the vocals on Grave's first album "Into The Grave". Lower register guttural Death vocals with no compromises! I can't quite say what the lyrics are all about as they weren't printed within the booklet. They are sung and written in Ukrainian anyway, so even if they were printed hear I still wouldn't be able to tell you what they lyrics are trying to convey.
The mix and production on the album is perfect for Death Metal. In my opinion Death Metal albums should always have plenty of bass and low-end to them. The engineer should always make sure the bass drums and the bass guitar itself is represented well, and they did just that for "The Banner Of Victory".
The layout of the album is pretty good, if nothing spectacular. The cover art shows some scavenger birds, maybe ravens, flying over a battlefield completely covered with the corpses of fallen warriors. It's done completely in black and white which I usually don't care for, but there's a lot of detail there, so I actually find myself enjoying the art quite a bit. I like the Thunderkraft logo a lot as well. Especially the eagle, Celtic knots and the German Iron Cross that weaves in with the letters of their logo.
Early 90's Death Metal fans will definitely want to check this album out. This album harkens back to a time in Death Metal when the genre was fresh and new, and the music was melodic and memorable instead of just concentrating on brutality. Folk Metal fans that are tired of Folk Black Metal will also want this in their collection to spice things up a bit. There's a lot of Nokturnal Mortum members playing in other bands these days it seems, but this is the best album I've heard released by any of them!