Blazing Prods Update

Taken from Metal Coven:

Thunderkraft Reviewed – 02/05/06
The Banner of Victory
[Blazing Productions]
I had no clue who the Ukrainian band Thunderkraft was when I first saw their debut full length album "The Banner Of Victory" advertised in an online distro, but as soon as I heard they were a Folk Death Metal band, I ordered it right away. When it comes to Folk Metal, there's just not much out there in the Death Metal genre, so I picked it up just for the speciality of it all. Also, learning that among Thunderkraft's ranks are two Nokturnal Mortum session musicians, a member of Drudkh, and the flute player for Kolo made me want it even more!
The Death Metal aspect of Thunderkraft's music has a lot of groove, is extremely heavy and very well played. The closest comparison I can find to other bands out there is that throughout "The Banner Of Victory" I hear influences from the first Dismember, Entombed and Grave albums. It's very atmospheric, melodic and Swedish sounding Death Metal, but this is good since Dismember, Grave and Entombed themselves have not played in this great style in a long while. As I mentioned before, there is a lot of groove in their music, as well as a lot of those guitar "squeal" techniques Death and Thrash Metal bands like to use. Very rarely, and I mean rarely, the album picks up speed and will sound a bit Black Metal, but this is only evident in a few spots on the album, and it only resembles Black Metal at all because of the drum blast beats. The C.D. also sees the liberal use of a synth, and it works quite well with the rest of their sound, if you can imagine that. Last but not least, what makes this a Death "Folk" Metal album is Ann's excellent flute playing. Don't think the flute is played constantly on the album, because it isn't. You'll mostly only hear it at the beginning or end of a song, or if the Death Metal breaks down into a more acoustical style. The few flute parts that she does play here add such a kick ass layer of folkiness to the dirty and guttural Death Metal sound of the album, that the end result is impossible for me to describe here. You'd think flutes and Death Metal wouldn't work, but it does so very well. I guess Dark Reality pulled off Death Metal with a recorder with great results, so this shouldn't be any surprise. Ann also plays flute for another band called Kolo whose album I bought not too long ago that didn't impress me at all. I bought it thinking it was an outright acoustic Folk album, but it had all kinds of World Music and other crap on it that ruined it for me. The Folk music and traditional instruments on that album, some played by Ann, were great though.
The vocals on "The Banner Of Victory" really remind me of the vocals on Grave's first album "Into The Grave". Lower register guttural Death vocals with no compromises! I can't quite say what the lyrics are all about as they weren't printed within the booklet. They are sung and written in Ukrainian anyway, so even if they were printed hear I still wouldn't be able to tell you what they lyrics are trying to convey.
The mix and production on the album is perfect for Death Metal. In my opinion Death Metal albums should always have plenty of bass and low-end to them. The engineer should always make sure the bass drums and the bass guitar itself is represented well, and they did just that for "The Banner Of Victory".
The layout of the album is pretty good, if nothing spectacular. The cover art shows some scavenger birds, maybe ravens, flying over a battlefield completely covered with the corpses of fallen warriors. It's done completely in black and white which I usually don't care for, but there's a lot of detail there, so I actually find myself enjoying the art quite a bit. I like the Thunderkraft logo a lot as well. Especially the eagle, Celtic knots and the German Iron Cross that weaves in with the letters of their logo.
Early 90's Death Metal fans will definitely want to check this album out. This album harkens back to a time in Death Metal when the genre was fresh and new, and the music was melodic and memorable instead of just concentrating on brutality. Folk Metal fans that are tired of Folk Black Metal will also want this in their collection to spice things up a bit. There's a lot of Nokturnal Mortum members playing in other bands these days it seems, but this is the best album I've heard released by any of them!
New items:
Ad Hominem Planet ZOG... The End CD
Temnozor Folkstorm of the Azure Nights CD
Lord Paymon Evil Command CD
Massenv. / Darkthule Magna Europa Est Patria Nostra CD
Uno Actu L'éveil de l'ombre Tape
Veles The black Ravens flew again CD
Beatrik Requiem of December CD
Valaskjalf / Hrodvitnir Under the Banner of Vinlandic Heathen Might CD
Nokturnal Mortum Lunar Poetry Vinyl
Nokturnal Mortum To the Gates of Blasphemous Fire Vinyl
Sargeist Tyranny Returns Vinyl
The shirt of Thunderkraft is delayed for some time, this due to the
usual modernist reasons companies have against some people.
Anchoreth Purification among the Dusty Stones... CD
Arkenstone Arkenstone CD
Arkona Lepta CD
Arkona Revival CD
Blut / Sonnenkreuz United in Battle CD
Eisigwald / Morbus Mundi Split CD 2005 CD
Holy Blood Waves are Dancing CD
Liholesie Vast Homeland CD
Lucifugum The Supreme Art of Genocide CD
Mareritt Hymner til Doden og Morket CD
Nitberg Nitsanger CD
Nordvykk Nordland CD
Pagan Reign Ancient Warriors CD
Pagan Reign Spark of Glory and Revival of Ancient Greatness CD
Pagan Reign Ydeli Biloy Veri CD
Primordial Spirit the Earth Aflame CD
Primordial Storm before Calm CD
Velimor Ancestry CD
Asgeirr Diktat Allianz CD
Bannerwar Centuries of Heathen Might CD
Evola, Julius The Elements of Racial Eduction Books
Graveland Immortal Pride CD
Nosvrolok Maledictum Parasytus CD
Stutthof And Cosmos from Ashes to Dust... Vinyl
Trobar de Morte Reverie CD
Unterwald Nos Anciens Rituels CD
Aryan Art ... and despite all, Bulgaria will survive CD
Carthaun Einheit CD
Défaillance Désemparé dans un monde agonisant CD
Macabre Omen The Ancient Returns CD
Othar / Dark Fury Shall I Drink the Fulfilment... / We are the Only Gods CD
When you order for the next amount of money, you get temporarly one ore more free CD's of free choice.

85 Euro -> 1 CD

150 Euro -> 2 CD's

225 Euro -> 3 CD's

300 Euro -> 4 CD's -> Marcatvs
We are very proud to announce that we are the label that is chosen to release the first full length of Ukrainian band Mind Propaganda.

Mind Propaganda is Atmospheric Heathen Black Metal.

More news on Mind Propaganda will follow soon.
Website Mind Propaganda:
Mandrake Magazine Issue #1 Misc
Mandrake Magazine Issue #2 Misc
Martial Death / ContraProica Ein neues Zeitalter / Lernen durch Entsetzen CD
Nokturnal Mortum The Taste of Victory CD
The Shadow Order Untold CD
Antisemitex No Hope, No Future... Just W.A.R.! CD
Geimhre / Shade For the Blood of Hinterland / ISA CD
Frostkrieg Das Astrale Fenster Vinyl
Metal PINS Misc
Hellveto Zmierzch CD
Nunslaughter / Centinex Hail Germania PicMLP Vinyl

Hellenic Black Metal
Re-release of the CD, previously released on Battlefield. Includes the 1997 demo.
Comes with new lay-out; Corrugated cardboard, silver logo.

Sound: -> Musicae

Labels and distributors contact for trades and wholesales!!!

To be released hereafter:
Forest In the Flame of Glory CD
Hellenic - Ukrainian Friendship 4-way Split CD
ISD Memorial 10 Years in Valhalla CD
Kiborg Marginal Volume 1 CD
Kiborg / Svartskog Pagan Land CD
Lut Dnipro 1./8. CD
Svarga Jav' Vozdymaet CD
Stutthof And Cosmos from Ashes to Dust CD
Infernal War / Warhead Explosion CD
Pantheon Aryan Rebirth CD
Pantheon Krihapentswor CD
Veil Dolor CD