Blender/Anthrology review. (repost?)


Apr 28, 2005
Might be a repost.


Anthrology: No Hit Wonders (1985–1991)

Release Date: 9/20/2005

NYC metal mavens who enjoyed unwanted attention during anthrax attacks of 2001
Reviewed by Nick Catucci

Though their biggest legacy is helping set a template for rap-metal—with “Bring tha Noize,” their crack 1991 collaboration with Public Enemy, included here—Anthrax were once among the world’s foremost speed-metal purists. This 30-song catalogue of their prime, when Joey BellaDonna led the band’s onslaughts with his unhinged wail and anti-violence, positive-punk politics, rarely deviates from the amps-to-11 blueprint of oi!-style shouts, pummeling beats, power solos and epic, tempo-shifting song structures. One notable exception, the manic Beastie Boys spoof “I’m the Man,” epitomizes the band’s comic side. This sense of humor, along with formal tweaks (the jangly opening to “Antisocial”), topical if inelegant lyrics (the manifest destiny critique “Indians”) and BellaDonna’s sense of melody help contour the songs, but in the end they’re mainly sonic juggernauts. These aren’t hits—they’re more like crushing blows.

DOWNLOAD: “Bring tha Noize,” “Lone Justice”