Blind Guardian A Voice In The Dark Video


Sep 25, 2009
So since I havent seen this posted yet ill go ahead and do it :)

pretty cool lots of CD, hell i love it. I would be very interested to see what hansi's deal with the whole mayan (or however you spell it) thing is, shows planets aligning and shit.

video is cool just never thought it was about that! lol any insight people?

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wow! awesome, what are you interviewing them for?

ya i would be really curious to see what his stand on all of this stuff is :)

I mean, there's obviously something very close to home on a music video like this. everything in this video has to do with it.
wow! awesome, what are you interviewing them for?

ya i would be really curious to see what his stand on all of this stuff is :)

I'm actually going to be publishing it on, I've been doing some freelance writing for them.

I'm curious about that too. By the way, I keep on looking at the cover artwork, isn't it friggin' sweet?
I'm actually going to be publishing it on, I've been doing some freelance writing for them.

I'm curious about that too. By the way, I keep on looking at the cover artwork, isn't it friggin' sweet?

ya man i love the artwork, I hope they have a big backdrop with that on it!!! or some sorta pyramid live at like a festival or something. that would be killer!
Loving this. Keep meaning to pick up the new disc. Probably will at the fest though.

Maybe he's had it a while, but since when has Hansi had the really short hair?
Loving this. Keep meaning to pick up the new disc. Probably will at the fest though.

Maybe he's had it a while, but since when has Hansi had the really short hair?

I was surprised by it too. Maybe he just got tired of it?

And by the way, regarding the video clip and the theme, this was his quote on the press release NB sent out about the video:

[FONT=&quot]As far as the band’s personal beliefs on the meanings of events involving celestial bodies, Kürsch clarifies:[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]“We personally do not believe that incredible things will happen during eclipses – usually. Things like that can definitely and easily irritate your mind, though. According to the Mayan calendar, we already have appointments on planet Earth for 2013.”

Happy, Simon?[/FONT]
I was pretty disappointed with this video, as I was hoping for something at least vaguely evocative of the parts of Song of Ice & Fire that this tune actually is about. I think the only band that has done decent videos in recent time has been Kamelot. Human Stain and Rule the World had great videos.
Man, I have just re-watched the video. I see Hansi and I can only think of this:

I was surprised by it too. Maybe he just got tired of it?

And by the way, regarding the video clip and the theme, this was his quote on the press release NB sent out about the video:

[FONT=&quot]As far as the band’s personal beliefs on the meanings of events involving celestial bodies, Kürsch clarifies:[/FONT]

[FONT=&quot]“We personally do not believe that incredible things will happen during eclipses – usually. Things like that can definitely and easily irritate your mind, though. According to the Mayan calendar, we already have appointments on planet Earth for 2013.”[/FONT]

Damn dude, what's with the super dark text? Thanks for the tidbit though. Interesting.

Man, I have just re-watched the video. I see Hansi and I can only think of this:

Kind of cool. Hansi only looks like half a man with his short hair. I dunno if I'll ever get used the that. However, the rest of the band looks cool and showy. I prefer videos that are "action-based" with mostly shots of the band and less on story-oriented videos myself.
Replace abandoned factory with Mayan temple = teh w1n

I actually found it interesting how this video clip mixes Set Abominae (the mascot for Iced Earth, carrying that thing) and Epica's Consign to Oblivion (I mean, look at the cover and the artwork in the booklet).

Oh yeah. Also, the lollipop. :lol: