Blind Guardian new single: a review


Master of Disaster
Staff member
Nov 24, 2002
Well the single is out and yours truly comes to snobishly boring everybody with another review.

‘Fly’: please don’t panic at the description. It’s a blend of power, progressive, folk and even I detect a tiny bit of industrial. Forget about speed and/or what Savage Circus is doing this is damn fresh IMO a step beyond ANATO but still very BG especially at the vocal arrangements and choir lines. I find it extremely interesting and for those who will dare to scream sell-out I say up yours!, this is all but commercial.

‘Skalds And Shadows (acoustic)’: classic BG in ‘The Bard Song – In The Forest’ tradition, think a bit of Jethro Tull, a bit of Wuthering Heights, a lot of medieval vibe!

‘In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida’: power doom with an electronic prog underneath! I believe right now that BG has decided to go beyond their frame as a power band and look for more complex horizons. At least in this cover they went the mile and did something different from the expected stuff already done.

I hate this single, is a teaser worst than a bikini :D Absolutely electric waiting for the album :hotjump: :hotjump:

NP: Last Chapter - 'Dead End Ride'
I don't know what would be opposite of "electric", but I'll just say that this single is a disappointment to me...
Fly is probably the worst song by BG to date. Skalds And Shadows is an okay acoustic piece, although certain fanboys immediately declare it "better than Bard's Song"... Poppycock! :D Time will tell, but for now I don't find it better.
In A Gadda Da Vida is one of the more useless covers I've heard lately, what's the point in covering this too-many-times covered tune?! Nah...
SickBoy said:
I don't know what would be opposite of "electric", but I'll just say that this single is a disappointment to me...
Fly is probably the worst song by BG to date. Skalds And Shadows is an okay acoustic piece, although certain fanboys immediately declare it "better than Bard's Song"... Poppycock! :D Time will tell, but for now I don't find it better.
In A Gadda Da Vida is one of the more useless covers I've heard lately, what's the point in covering this too-many-times covered tune?! Nah...

About time we disagree on something :tickled:

Sorry SB I liked what I heard, of course I'll have to evaluate the whole album before hand if I can but I doubt BG will dissapoint me.
Wyvern said:
About time we disagree on something :tickled:

And what do you know, people otherwise tend to be glad when they _agree_ on something... :D

Sorry SB I liked what I heard, of course I'll have to evaluate the whole album before hand if I can but I doubt BG will dissapoint me.

I don't know why you are apologizing, your opinion which you're fully entitled to...
Well, after this single, I can't say "I doubt" they'll disappoint me...
I can only say that "I hope".
SickBoy said:
I don't know why you are apologizing, your opinion which you're fully entitled to...

I'm not apologizing in the apologizing sense is a figure of speech :p You are one of the coolest poster among the regulars and since you're a musician I respect highly your opinion from a technical standpoint.

I also find great that we agree a lot in music I wonder would have it been for me to grew along a friend like you, probably a lot wilder that my youth was :lol:

Will see what KT have in store for us (I owe you that one) regarding BG, may the hope remain as sure ;)