Blind shootout: Cubase stock plugins vs Waves plugins, which one sounds better?


Anssi Tenhunen
Okay, I made an electronica mix using Waves plugins, but then I tried out the stock Cubase plugins with same settings.

I replaced:

CLA compressors, Renessaince Axx and Renessaince Vox with Vintage Compressor or Compressor
L1, L3-LL and IK Classic Clipper with Limiter
Renessaince EQ and Q10 with Studio EQ
SPL Transient Designer with Envelope Shaper
Rverb with Roomworks
H-Delay with ModMachine
The stock cubase plugins I used (delays and sidechain compressors etc) I kept the same

There was only 1 plugin I couldn't find a replacement for, and it was Renessaince Bass, so I left them out (but if you know what stock Cubase plugin is similar, let me know). But what my point is, is that you don't need to buy a $1000 plugin package to make your mixes sound decent. The stock plugins don't sound 100% the same, but they sound close enough to sound good. Only major fuck up with the stock cubase EQ is that it only has 4 bands... I mean, wtf?

But which mix do you like better?

Mix A
Mix B
A is more raw, the snare (claps) are a bit annoying or too bright,
B is more professional and clear, at least when it comes to other sounds in the back and bass i like em better, also the claps are more smooth and nicer for the ear.
B sounds a bit fuller in the bass and has a bit better atmosphere.
But I wouldnt say sounds better by a long shot...

Did you tweak it to sound about the same or did you copy the settings on the plugs?
B sounds a bit fuller in the bass and has a bit better atmosphere.
But I wouldnt say sounds better by a long shot...

Did you tweak it to sound about the same or did you copy the settings on the plugs?

on EQ's same settings, on compressors same ratios, attack/release times and amount of gain reduction (where applicable), on transient shaper plugins I used same attack and sustain amounts and used 10 as length as the Transient Designer doesn't have that parameter, with reverb I used the same size, time and as similar other settings as possible and I quickly A/B listened that they sound roughly similar and as loud. But the main difference most will hear is with the kick and snare as they don't have the RBass.