Blinded Keyboards Help


THE Appalachian Tarzan
May 12, 2005
Bunker Hill, WV, USA
Ok, so my band is doing a cover of Blinded, we have the sheet music for all of the instruments, except for the keyboards [Which we got from]. Could someone help us out and write out the notes/chords that Rikard plays? We would really appreciate it if someone could do it, and we would be even happier if it is done in Guitar Pro.
We have written our own keyboard riffs for it, but we think it would sound better if we were able to have the original keyboard riffs.

We mostly have our own original songs, but we also do covers of other bands like Children of Bodom, Dimmu Borgir, and Yngwie Malmsteen. We're now working on a Dragonforce cover, but it's beginning to be impossible.

But whatever, sorry for asking.....
i think one of the problems with evergrey, that was somewhat rectified with the last album... is that their keyboard player does some very nice riffs and melodies, but they are subdued and dragged with heavy distortion, so they become unheardable. and that sucks.
peza said:
Too few key players out there...
yea i know, im lucky as fuck in that department; the keyboard player in my band is not only madly skilled, but nice too look at as well =p (female keyboardist, in case you wondered)
Entropiastrife said:
oh come on, if you cant pick this song out by ear you are hopeless, I learned it completely after 2 listens

We got a new keyboardist back in September. He's very talented and just amazing. Hell, we gave him Children of Bodom sheet music and 3 days later, could play the keyboard solos perfectly. He can just listen to a song and know what is being played. He learned Blinded by ear, so we no longer need sheet music for the keyboards, or really any song that we are covering.