Blink 182 cover mix (SSD,dfhs,POD X3) without vocals

MATTIA, great!!! it sounds good for me, but drums don´t sound with much force...
guitars are great.;) i´ve POD X3 too, could you share pod preset and clean pod preset????
POD X3 via usb or with a interface?
what process for guitars?

Thank you guys..yes,the drum sound a bit weak..what can i do to improve drum sound for you guys?
for the guitars:i read a lot of thread of joeymusic and brianhood..i tried to create a preset with theri informations..riffs are andy sneap preset,rhythm are double panned 85 % R and L..preset maybe treadplate..but tomorrow i share (i'll try becuase it will the first time) all the presets with post processing..
pod x3 connect via s/pdif in my motu..
thank you very much man..i'll try to bring up the OH and hh..thank you very much..later i'll upload the new version,if someone will be interested to improve that..
Clean patch: mattia.7 patch.l6t
post processing:pSP vintage warmer (patch: guitar.psp )
q3 waves HP 80hz, -10db 201hz Q3.0, High shelf +4db 3564hz Q3.0.

rythm and octaves: dist mattia.7 patch.l6t
post processing: PSP vintagewarmer the same patch for the clean but drive at 4.00
q8 waves HP 100hz,-3.5db 799hz Q7,-18db 12977hz Q100,-18db 12884hz Q17.3,-3.8db 4000hz Q3.2,+2.7db 8000hz Q7,LP 11232hz
C4 andy sneap preset.

Then i changed all the outputs of the guitar tracks with a channel guitar group.Insert in it for this song:
q8 waves:+2.3db 2104hz Q5.0,-18 12977hz Q7,-3.5db 621hz Q4.6,+5.4db 8354hz Q3.5,-18db 12884hz Q17.3 and LP 10007
S1 shuffler subtle improved imaging preset with width 1.02 and shuffle 2.00.

And this is the new mix,i turned up OH and high-hat.. Of This prove 4 HH OH up.mp3