Blitz and Ralphe...

TRrEiTxIxRiE DTrash

New Metal Member
Apr 14, 2001
Hahaha sorry I've been so slack guys!

Blitz, I'm sending your CDs out today :) I haven't had any blanks for about 2 weeks and had no money to get a new box of them.

Enjoy :grin: There'll be a non-makeup Kiss best-of and a CD of various rokkin' glam/hair stuff which I think you might dig.

I'm glad I've finished uni now. The last few weeks of semester were so hectic with finishing our film and my animation and everything!

Now I gotta get around to FINALLY finishing Ralphe's videos hahaha, sorry dude I've taken ages!!!! They'll be done soon though, plus I'll have Priest...Live! video this week too to add to the stuff for ya, I'm sure that would've been one you would've chosen off the list for sure!

:),i can add the video to my Vinyl and Cd copies!
Let me know when you finish them and i will PM you my new address.
You know whats awesome? When you forget about things like this, and then go 'oh awesome! cds for me!' :D

Thats cool man, whenever your ready! And if you want something I can help you out with just let me know.

I know what ya mean about hectic uni....I had my second last exam today, its crazy...
How do you think you went?? Good luck on the last one!

Ralphe, will do! I have Priest Live on vinyl too (but not CD) and its always good to see a video of the concert you've heard so many times but haven't seen!
I think I did really well on the first two, but I fucked the one today. :lol: ...I should still pass though.
It was my easiest subject too. :cry:

I have my hardest one on Friday, but I think I will do alright. I have a few days to study too. Thats probably why I stuffed todays one, couse I had one I Monday as well...