Scourge and stuff

Cooperman the rescue!!!
Apr 13, 2001
Virginia, USA
My lack of posting here due to uni and band commitments has finally paid off... no I haven't finished my degree yet, but we've just about finished the first song from our forthcoming album. The full song will be up on our site (follow links from in the very near future, but in the meantime I know some of you have expressed a liking for some of our stuff so I've put up a small snippet to wet your appetite. You should hopefully start hearing this track in coming weeks on radio as we send it out nationally as an advanced promo for our album which I'm aiming to finish by January.

I also seem to recall a few people wanting to read (for some bizarre reason) some of the papers I've had published from my PhD... I think Spiffo was one of them. I probably shouldn't put them up on the net and stuff because of legal copyright thingoes... but if anyone is seriously interested I can email them.