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"Monday, July 19, 2004
I'm alright people. I'm not about to jump off a cliff somewhere, there aren't any near where I live, here in stupid Holland. Thanks for your concern.
I was just upset about Boyfriend's ability to say exactly what I need to hear and what I don't want to hear. I know it's my own fault that I'm at home right now. I could have finished my studies all through the last school year and didn't. So now there's an ultimate deadline and the weather is finally turning into something that resembles summer and I have to stay in and work and it's all my own damn fault. And with all this blogging I'm not really getting anything done and it hurt when he says;"Will you really be finished soon or are you kidding yourself?" He's just so spot on and honest and right now it's crap. I know everything you're saying I just don't want to hear it from you.
It's been so long since I've had to do schoolwork of my own that it scares me. I'm so insecure about what I'm doing here and if I'm doing it right and I can't ask anyone since the school is closed and everyone is on holiday. I don't want it handed back to me again so I can make corrections or something. People, I've been teaching for over four years now, doing this stupid assignment won't make me any better at it. I'm good at telling other people how they should study, I'm bad at doing it myself. Ironic, huh? I'm even afraid to make a time plan, which Boyfriend has suggested I should five times already, because I'm afraid it'll take up more time then I want it to and it'll be there, visible in black and white. I'm a coward, I know. Just shoot me.
I think Stevie is right. I need a break. I've already deleted my history and cookies so everything will look fresh again on my PC. I'm going to have to put up new rules and I'll have to stick to them;

1. No more MSN.
2. Blogging is only allowed two times a day. Once in the morning, once before bed and should never take up more than one hour.
3. No reading books other than the one I use for studying.

This will mean I won't leave so many comments on your blogs and my blog might become a bit boring but I'll find a way to be OK with that.
I'm twenty-five Goddammit!! Why am I acting like a teenager!!

I guess that means Bye Bye for now.
Wish me luck and help me by kicking me off your blog if you see me there during the day.

Kicking people off their blogs? This blog business is bigger than I thought.
"if you apply for something prestigious that you really really wanted, and you don't get it, how down will you feel?

it's only been like, a week, but i'm still depressed about it. it feels like an eternity of agony and self-pity. i just keep thinking about how lousy i am. or let's put this another way: how i'm not good enough. it seems i'm always not good enough for what i want.

it's really a big blow. especially when a bastard keeps strutting his crap in front of you and rubbing the salt INTO your wounded pride.

i know i shouldn't be thinking about how lousy i am, how i'm not good enough, blah blah blah and yada yada yada but i can't help it.

bottomline is i'm still upset about it. and no one seems to understand how much that meant to me. don't tell me it's ok, because it's simply not ok. don't tell me there are better ones to look forward to, because i really don't have the confidence and courage to apply for anything anymore.

it's hard to convince yourself you're good when everyone seems to think otherwise."

Always not good enough sounds like a cracking title for the second Breaklose album though
"[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]maybe look stupid make to me beliebe that i am not a stupid i only look that it !

yes , is tipical that american readers read bad english a supouse beyond it a uncult or stupid , usually don-t imagine how he write in japanesse or spanish , and that the original language not english have identic problem that your japanesse , try a week in japan without translator in the streets in towns without english speackers if availables
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica] [font=verdana, arial, helvetica]have you open the minds?
or have to much knowledge that can be permanently closed
(sorry not vacancies for new think and new ideas)"
Allan said:
2. Blogging is only allowed two times a day. Once in the morning, once before bed and should never take up more than one hour.

now what the fuck blogworthy happens between once before bed and once in the morning? :erk:

I had a wet dream. Boyfriend didn't feature in it.
Bambi said:
"[font=verdana, arial, helvetica]maybe look stupid make to me beliebe that i am not a stupid i only look that it !

yes , is tipical that american readers read bad english a supouse beyond it a uncult or stupid , usually don-t imagine how he write in japanesse or spanish , and that the original language not english have identic problem that your japanesse , try a week in japan without translator in the streets in towns without english speackers if availables
[font=verdana, arial, helvetica][font=verdana, arial, helvetica]have you open the minds?
or have to much knowledge that can be permanently closed
(sorry not vacancies for new think and new ideas)"
:lol: this must have cost you quite an effort, mustn't it?
20 July 2004

I got up at 6 in the morning. I never have breakfast cause my stomach is not ready for any treat, and I'm always in a hurry anyway. Strangely enough, I would have had breakfast this morning if I had had time. But I didn't. I thought I might as well have breakfast this morning, I even figured what I would eat, but then as I didn't have time, I didn't have breakfast either. Breakfast and time go hand in hand. Misery loves company. I am Misery, I love company. During breakfast. Buckfast. Misery loves Buckfast. I am Buckfast. Buckfast loves company. Company loves Misery loves Buckfast. I hope you all know me by now and have developed an intense sense of curiosity as to what personality I might be. I love you all, but I love ducks more. Misery loves ducks. Once in the morning. See you all.