Blood Retch Web Shop NOW OPEN FOR BUSINESS :):):):)

May 26, 2004
Greetings Metal Monsters of the Rapture World.
Firstly i would like to say that the Blood retch Web Shop is open for business, now anyone anywhere can have a Blood Retch t-shirt, here is the link to our web shop

If you are in a band or you have a design you want put on a t-shirt or you want some merchandise made then contact everyone that has items made with his company will also get a Web Shop,

Secondly i heard Wes rant on for 2 mins & 48 seconds earlier i would like to say i agree with most of what he said but i thought he didnt rant on long enough i wanted MORE, MORE I TELLS YA.
Anyway visit the shop and check out the 2004 design Blood Retch t-shirts.
Metal Fucking Rules......The Rest Should Die

My drummer would not agree with you on that subject my friend, Have you read Stupid White Men thats a shocker of a book.