"Blood & Thunder" video - Mastodon



Okay, so, I'm sitting here at the computer and I have Headbanger's Ball on in the other room (shut up, they played Danzig and Sepultura tonight), and I hear what is, unmistakably, "Blood & Thunder" by Mastodon. Unaware that they even had a video for this song, I go to check it out. As I walk over to where the tv is, I expect a video shot in entire darkness by the ocean during a storm, or a soundstage meant to look as such, to correspond with the whole Moby Dick theme of Leviathan. But then I see the tv screen. It takes me a minute or 2 to comprehend what I am seeing, but then I finally understand that I see clowns. Lots and lots and lots of clowns. And they're drunk.

And it is the absolute funniest thing I have ever seen.

Mastodon = TEH WINNAR for the rest of Time.
i would've liked to have the video be along the story of moby dick.. but knowing a lot of 15-16 year old metalheads today, it would of gone over their heads.

still, sounds pretty funny. I'll have to check it out.
I think Mastodon just did the video that was because they didn't want to be serious and dramatic about it ... they probobly wanted to get as far away from the plot of the song as the possibly could. Enter - mosh pit of drunken clowns. The only connection I can make is that it was a carnival, because there was a picture of a Fiji mermaid.

If they'd wanted to process it enough for the scrEMOcore kids who don't actually read, per-se, they would've had the band playing - cut to a picture of a whale - band playing - cut to a picture of the ocean - band playing - cut to a picture of a storm - band playing - cut to a picture of a spear ... and so on and so forth.
i'd of made it a high budget video with the band playing the cast of the story. and them playing on a wooden ship.

that'd rule.
They're a great band. Hardly anyone sounds like them.

The only band I can think of that sounds a little like them either would be Isis or Neurosis. But that's because of the sludge-factor in the guitars.

<3 Mastodon