Bloodbath Drums


Oct 2, 2004
Ontario, Canada (eh)
Hey Dan, what kind of drums did you use on Resurrection through Carnage? What cymbals? Was it all acoustic or was there any electronics? What snare did you use? (lol, sorry for all the questions but i've never heard drums like that ever before:) )
Yes, they sound really great! I'll shoot a few more questions out...

What mics and preamps did you use? What trigger module, or did you use CPU samples? Did you rely much on room sounds, or is it mostly direct mic'ing? What kind of board? Anything cool (as in old analog), or was it all-digital? Tape machine? If so, which one?

I knew they weren't all digitalbut that's the thing with RTC.....i like the way it's, they put the most awful grimmy sounding guitar with a fucked up low kit and it sounded awsome..... It's my fav album of all time, i think it shows the work of true genious and only people with the experience of Dan Mike Blakkheim and Jonas could pull it off as well as they did.
Blastbeats/Grind and doublebass are sequensed for the most part, Swanö is a great rock/prog drummer but might not be that mint on the extreme shit.

This is what I remember him saying at least, corrections are welcome.