Bloodbath - Resurrection Through Carnage guitar sound


New Metal Member
Jul 22, 2011
I've been wondering for a while about the guitar tone Swanö managed to produce for the Resurrection Through Carnage album by Bloodbath.

Does any of you have an idea of what the chain was to achieve such an immensely dry guitar tone?

I'd really like to be able to get something like that for a project I have in mind.
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Its your lucky day! Dan Swanö gave out that info himself once on his forum on UM.

"RTC was a bit weirder. I used a HM-2 into a Digitech GNX2 preamp. I used the Marshall-amp and Speakeremulation. Later on I used the Free Filter plug-in to "rip" the guitartone EQ from Left Hand Path (using the Intro from "Drowned") and applied that to my own "try". It turned out really broken and like a chainsaw ear fuck!!! Just the way I wanted it!!"