

One of many Schizotypies
May 1, 2004
I looked for Bloodbath on my p2p and I found some mp3's....sounds like mike singing! is it? its like death metal but not opeth's style...
Keith I recommend you to download Resurrection Through Carnage, good fucking record though... I haven't heard that Breeding Death EP yet...hope to do it.
Then tell us what you think about that.
Great kickass album.
Also featuring (hehehe, I hate this word): Jonas Renske and Anders Nystrom (Katatonia) and the almighty Dan Swanö behind the drum kit (hahaha, stupid word)
Now, it's time to enjoy it (with a beer, son)
\m/ :kickass:

Resurrection Through Carnage was kinda cheesy...but then again alot of old school dm is cheesy by today's standards, so I guess it was sort've intentional. I like "Nightmares Made Flesh" better though...much better. Great old school dm.
^ Yeah although they play it seriously, I thought it was done in a kind of tongue in cheek way
Jinn said:
And will continue until people realize that mike is a better growler.

so are you really gonna stop going to SoTv2? i'll admit, i voted for you on that poll, haha, but that's cause i didn't know some of the other people..and well on that board, you can be annoying, but on this one you're not, nor the bloodbath board. but anyway..they have been fuckin dicks to you. i know that's in their nature, but..they really are coming down, as you said.
Alright, Mike is a better growler, with more consistency and deepness, but I seem to enjoy Peter's more these days. There's just so much more to Peter's growls: the emotion, the range. Who knows, maybe this is just a phase; I'll probably come crawling back to Mikael later.
deliverance said:
so are you really gonna stop going to SoTv2? i'll admit, i voted for you on that poll, haha, but that's cause i didn't know some of the other people..and well on that board, you can be annoying, but on this one you're not, nor the bloodbath board. but anyway..they have been fuckin dicks to you. i know that's in their nature, but..they really are coming down, as you said.

I'm not returning to SoTv.2 at all. There was no reason to disband from UM except that a few people didn't like Deron enforcing the rules. While I think Deron did bring a bit of this about on himself, I still never saw any justification for moving to another forum just because a few of them got banned for breaking the rules. We all had to agree to the Terms of Service upon entering the forum, and if they don't want to agree to them, then they can leave, which is exactly what happened. It's fine with me, I wish them well and hope their forum is successful.
But mainly, they just wouldn't leave me alone. Either it was Krigloch the Fatass displaying his massive intelligence by flashing the 'GET OUT YOU FAGGOT' banner whenever I posted, or it was Tanith, Azogue, _, and all of the bandwagon goons tailing me and flat out opposing anything I posted and basically did whatever they could to piss me off. When they brought up an issue that was long dead and buried, well, thats just trying too hard, and idiotic to criticize my opinion on an issue that has no relevance to the topic at hand, or even with current issues. They kept saying they wanted me to get the fuck out, so I polled them formally, and respected their wishes. I thank everyone who honestly voted no, but then again, I'm not going to waste my spare time getting pissed off by some immature deadbeats over the internet. I came to UM and SoT to chat, not get harassed. I don't mind them flaming me every now and then, but when it becomes a post by post basis, I have problems.

Alright. Back on topic. :)
. . . . i just got Resurrection Through Carnage today - i heard the whole cd a long time ago and this purchase (finally) pleases me greatly.