Bloodstock '04

I am going...... looking forward to it...... do you think the snake bite chick will back to haunt you boys again :D Steve W I know you really want to get her phone number this time :erk:

See you boys on the Friday, oh are any of you lot crashing with me or shayne of the camden gig? I am moving to camden on Sat and will diagonally opp worlds end :headbang: :kickass: so may be able to make it to the gig and every other gig at worlds end
I will be there for all of it including the pre-Bloodstock party on the Thursday so I'll look forward to seeing you all at some point! I'm also going to the Bloodstock Xmas I'll see you there too Steve!
Nadia said:
I am going...... looking forward to it...... do you think the snake bite chick will back to haunt you boys again :D Steve W I know you really want to get her phone number this time :erk:

See you boys on the Friday, oh are any of you lot crashing with me or shayne of the camden gig? I am moving to camden on Sat and will diagonally opp worlds end :headbang: :kickass: so may be able to make it to the gig and every other gig at worlds end
Hey Nadia! Thanks for the "crash" offer but we will be on the Threshold tourbus that night. As for snakebite.....hmmm...haha!
yeah cheers jon and sean for letting us put some pq stuff on their merch stall,blood stock should be a blast ,its a shame we can only make the friday but thats the way things go ,looking forward to seeing everyone there.
erm Fri: Turisas t shirt if it arrives on time if not Iced Earth
Sat : Children of Bodom Follow the reaper
We should all set a place to meet either in the venue or just outside might be easier to meet one another
Wearing my Power Metal Girls T on the Friday and either a plain black T or vest on Saturday! I'll be the lady in blonde bunchies.....and the reason why is I'll be taking the photos of Eagle's website! Old hair gets in the way! :D

Valo Nightstalker...the BS board are meeting in The Old Institute any time after 12 on the Friday. I'm expecting to be there around 2ish if not before!
ahh yes i should have remembered (im a bit thick like that sometimes hehe) that seems i said i would be there dont know what time depends on when my mate finish's work hope to see most of u there if not im sure i will bump into u all at some point