Bloodstock 2003


Real World's Mad Girl
HEy peeps... some of u may not have noticed that the festival now have their own forum on UM!!!

i posted this ages ago on there...

follow the link and let people know what u wanna see... keep ur fingers crossed... and hopefully we will get at least one of the bands we want on the bill!!!


Its held in Derby.

Its quite a trek for some of people (not me, only 30 miles ;) ) so we usually go camping a couple of miles outside the city for a few days.
Absolutely two days of complete and utter metal mayhem! and the beers cheap! yarah!

Hey Bitch of did the knee operation go again...all a success this time i hope.

Yeah Area 54 for Bloodstock.
Great to hear that it went okay this time, hope it mends all okay and that is the last of any troubles you have with it... .:)

Yeah i found everyone upstairs in the i got a little bit drunk that night opps! ha! it was the start of my birthday celebrations though so that is my defence..
but that was a good night out.
Glad to put a face to the name as well. Sure i'll catch you at a gig again. Arae 54 must be desperate to play a live gig soon.... a nice crimbo gig would be ace....big hint.
:rock: :rock: