Bloodstock 2010

Covet Chaos

Jul 23, 2007
POW! Who's going? May as well talk Bloodstock shit here after the fest too.

I want to watch:
Hospital of Death
Cannibal Corpse

I have a feeling WitchSorrow could clash with Suffocation maybe. So I'd watch WitchSorrow anyway. Mutant and GWAR are clashing so I've picked Mutant. Hopefully Benediction don't clash with Obituary cos I'd have to go and watch Obituary as I've seen Benediction twice before. But Benediction are sooooo good live!

Cathedral and Hospital of Death are looking to be the highlights of my weekend. HoD because it's gonna be great to see my mates play that fucking massive stage on the Thursday. And there's only HoD and Desecration on the Thursday so it'll be PACKED! The biggest gig they ever played was the unsigned stage at Bloodstock... This is gonna be one insane step up!
Mutant and Gwar only overlap by 5 mins! so you can watch both but miss a little of one or the other..

I wanna watch, Suffocation, GWAR, Mutant, Enforcer, Cathedral, Bloodbath, Rage, maybe Ross the Boss but don't know if i'll arrive in time, Onslaught, Obituary, Evile, maybe Amorphis, Holy Moses, Benediction, Doro and Twisted Sister

Not going til Friday I don't think, as I have to go up to Leeds and back tomorrow for an interview.. sooo I'll have to pass on HOD but i've seen em before many a time.
only get to stay friday but im especially looking forward to cathedral and messhugah!
They don't clash

Obituary , Saturday mainstage, 15;25 - 16:10
Benediction, saturday, sl stage 19:00-19:40

Suffocation 11:10-11:40 (am PFT!!!!!)
Witchsorrow 19:00-19:40, both sunday
Bloodstock show was fucking hard! couldn't hear any drums when playing so counts and keeping time was almost impossible! had to focus to hard on feeling bass drum through your feet than we could into going bat shit. couldn't enjoy playing nearly as much as i had wanted to. It was still good fun though and the reception was great! managed to catch most of cathedral, meshuggah and a couple other bands which was awesome.

wish i could have stayed for the whole fest but it was back to the studio friday evening!
Well that was... The last 4 days are just a fantastic blur in my mind! Favourites were Cathedral, Meshuggah, Obituary (minus roadies fucking up On The Floor... He said he monitor had no vocals.. NOT that his mic was broke... Fucking hell) and Cannibal Corpse. I watched about 27 of the bands cos I didn't watch bands full sets sometimes where I wasn't arsed about them. I slept through Doro on the floor and woke up wearing lipstick.

Blagged our way into VIP whenever we wanted... Because why would you pay for a VIP ticket when you can just walk in or lend somebodies artist pass?

If anybody was near our lot in the crowd you'd have either loved it or hated every second of it haha.
Yeah... It was insane. As soon as I thought like "It's time to come down". Harris showed up with a joint and I was back again. Tell you what I did get drunk a lot but I'd rather get pissed in a party situation more often. But I do love getting high. I whited out at the campsite right before Obituary and I didn't know if I was gonna make it there but I got there step by step and came around more when they played Redneck Stomp. Which was the heaviest song of the festival!