Bloodstock 2010

Getting up in the morning getting drunk.
Dicking about left of the sound desk during pretty much every one of the bands. Especially on the Friday night where me mate Ste became Ninja Commander and ran through the crowd taking flags down and stealing ketchup.
Putting ketchup in cups and throwing it in the crowd.
Feemo covered in ketchup.
Sneaking backstage whenever.
Feemo getting raped by the gay comedian John Mayor.
Photobombing every picture that somebody took near us.

Here's some of our lot.

Haha yeah! Thursday night I was tripping when I closed my eyes going to sleep and they came n got me up drinking. Was stood out of my tent in me boxers like... What the fuck is this about. We were all very quiet on the way home in the Bongo... Suprised Feemo managed to get me home at all.