Bloodstock this year


Peter Day


Hi all,
right who is going from the site to this years Bloodstock festival?
post a reply to this if you are and lets have a get together.

hey Nige T how are you? Where are you? Haven't seen any posts for ages.
Also Female Rocker? haven't heard from you in ages, you still looking in??


Hi Peter,

Recently I evolved into Dickie Davies just for the fun of it, so I am still around!

I won't be going to this years Bloodstock for a few reasons.

The Line up (bar Diamond Head and Gamma Ray) is pretty poor IMHO. I hadn't heard anything by 90% of the bands and after checking them out wasn't impressed.

I would have still gone because it would still be a good day out, but that changed after I saw the line-ups of the Rock and Blues festival and the Bulldog Bash.
By going to these I get to see Rollins Band, Orange Goblin, Wildhearts, Blaze, Doro, Dukes of Nothing, Rose Tattoo, Fu Manchu, Biohazard, Clutch, Girlschool and a good few others I like.

Living in Cornwall its going costs a bit just to get there so I can't do them all, so Bloodstock misses out I am afraid. From friends I now who went to last years Bloodstock, (at least 30 or so of us), I know very few who are going this year. Hopefully its going to still get a good turn out as I'd hate to loose it.


i am doing both bloodstock and the rock and blues. it does help they are a month apart travelling up from essex and the cost. only would have helped if rock and blues had been fri night of the bloodstock weekend. i am doing bloodstock mainly for diamond head but got a couple of gamma ray albums on recommendation which are good. the majority of these bands are all new to me but i am going to be optomitic. as for the rock and blues some of my all time bands are playing that one. blaze doro and girlschool (first band i ever saw over 20 yrs ago!!!).
i just have a feeling that bloodstock might suffer this year which may put its future in jepordy. i hope i am wrong though.

I'll be going to Bloodstock this year. Like Nige said, I'm a bit unsure about some of the lineup but I still look forward to hearing music from greats such as Gamma Ray, Diamond Head and Blind Guardian. Elvenking and Biomechanical also sound superb so it should be an excellent days entertainment. What's everyone doing about accomodation? I've bought my tickets already and transport shouldn't be a problem but it looks like we'll be kipping on the pavement :p

last year a load of us camped at Alvaston. They put on mini buses for us as well to get into Derby and back, and its a nice campsite.

Most of the people who camped are going again this year but most are just camping and not going to Bloodstock.

Everyone is friendly enough and it will no doubt be good for a piss up.

That sounds just the sort of thing i'm looking for, although i'll probably hate another night in a tent after spending the previous four in one doing Duke Of Edinburgh award. This festival may jus kill me :p Do you have any details for this campsite? How much do they charge?

The campsite details are

Beechwood Park
Maine Road
DE72 3EQ
Tel : 01332 751938

Last year it cost £6 per tent and £1 per person per night.


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