
Apart from being sick as a fucking dog over the last two days for no apparent reason, was bloody class. Gwar and Onslaught were probably my highlights.

Sucks that it fucking wanked it down the very second you lot got on stage though. Good to see you again though!
should have been renamed either cuntstock or mudstock... so many fucking idiots camping they need more security ive heard so many people say theyre considering not attending anymore D:

bands were fantastic however! as was meeting Ol fantastic chap, had a great convo :)
Was lovely meeting everyone that I did. Had an awesome wee time, apologies to Ben for lifting him up and attempting to swing him around. Oh and grabbing Ol's boobs a lot on the way to dance dance dance.

Evile/Devy T/GWAR were the highlights for moi. Rocking my laaahvly new Evile shirt as we speak, booya.
did they play metamorphosis again?
i can imagine that it's now one of the standard songs in their setlist

edit: nevermind, found out on the internet that they did play it. they better come to holland very soon so i can hear that fine piece of art too
Jah they did indeed. Joel done his incredible bass part as well, mmmm tasty. There should be video's of it uploaded soon enough I'm sure.

Still rage that as soon as Evile hit their first note it started fucking chucking it down, just our fucking luck eh? haha