Bloodwork - mastered, opinions appreciated


Jan 16, 2004
Hey there,
here's a song of my bands upcoming promo. Since we're considering doing an album on our own, I'd like some comments and suggestions on what to change for future productions.
The master might tend to clip here and there, this should be taken care of next time.

Thanks in advance,

Silent Revolution
sounds pretty cool (listening through my home stereo system).
just 2 things:
1. I'm missing some low end from the bass. not much though, just a little bit. but that could be just my speakers
2. the snare sounds kind of too artificial for my taste.

besides that it's a good mix.

if there wouldn't be the clean vocals I would like that track more ;-)
The overall mix sounds pretty nice! The drums sure sound a bit unnatural at times. Especially the toms. I like the snare though!
- I'd personally like to hear the vocals just a bit more, but that might just be me...
- Otherwise really good vocals. Like them a lot. The chorus is great!
- Guitars are a bit muddy and could have a bit more "bite". They also take a bit too much space in the mix at times and the overall clarity suffers a bit. How did you record them?

However, those are just minor things. Good mix great playing and a great catchy song!
I REALLY like the song. The only couple things are that the vocals need to come out more, the slow solo needs to come out more, and need more bottom end. Turn down the guitars a LITTLE, change the tom samples. Right now you could send it out and people would love it, but those mentioned changesbefore would make it AWESOME.

P.S. The chorus is amazing.
Hi there, and thanks for your replies. I currently got some issues with my internet connection, so I couldn't answer earlier.
The guitars are directly recorded on my pc and processed by a Tubescreamer and JCM 900 plugin by simulanalog. This was the easiest solution in the short term and I really like their sound, but we are going to use some real amps next time.

Again thanks for your comments, glad you like the song.

Got some serious Hypocrisy vibes from this song. I could use some more low-end like someone mentioned earlier. The vocals should be louder, but I'm not too bothered by the "artificial" drum sound. I actually think it fits the style pretty well.