Leandro ¬¬ Jul 31, 2005 13,050 45 48 36 St. Louis, MO Apr 15, 2006 #2 I'm becoming as popular as the bringer
Valerie ¯\(ã)/¯ Aug 29, 2005 6,765 4 38 Apr 15, 2006 #3 "The Bringer is more popular than Jesus." I don't know man
Deadnight Warrior87 The Tempest Nov 12, 2005 1,947 4 38 37 Anaheim, CA (USA) Apr 15, 2006 #4 BloodyScalpel said: I'm becoming as popular as the bringer Click to expand... You > The Beatles > Jesus > The Bringer
BloodyScalpel said: I'm becoming as popular as the bringer Click to expand... You > The Beatles > Jesus > The Bringer
ScandinavianMetal Exclusive Member Mar 18, 2006 523 1 16 Apr 15, 2006 #7 You are becoming very popular
Ruins is zayebated Dec 31, 2005 2,529 10 38 Apr 15, 2006 #8 XxScandinavianMedalxX said: You are becoming very popular Click to expand... good morning Vietnam he already is for over 2000 years in fact
XxScandinavianMedalxX said: You are becoming very popular Click to expand... good morning Vietnam he already is for over 2000 years in fact
R Raistlin Majere Through the hourglasses Apr 22, 2005 3,288 0 36 36 Palanthas High Sorcery Tower Apr 16, 2006 #10 i second that