Blue Mics...


Jun 18, 2009
Anyone have good results using them? I'm looking into maybe picking up one. Unfortunately, there's no place around here that I can rent mics. But right now I'm really interested in the Woodpecker (funny name for a mic aye?). I want to use it mainly for lead vocals and also guitar cabs along with a dynamic to beef things up a little. Any thoughts are greatly appreciated.
I really wanted a Dragonfly for awhile, but I'm not sure why, as I've never even used one.

Yeah, interested in that one as well. Heard some clips on it and it doesn't sound that bad. Although some say it's horrible. Looks bad ass though! :)

Any good all around large diaphragm condensers for around $600-around $800?

Been looking around for some used stuff and so far..I'm interested in a Blue Woodpecker, Mouse, Baby Bottle, AT4050, and a C414.
Yeah, interested in that one as well. Heard some clips on it and it doesn't sound that bad. Although some say it's horrible. Looks bad ass though! :)

Any good all around large diaphragm condensers for around $600-around $800?

Been looking around for some used stuff and so far..I'm interested in a Blue Woodpecker, Mouse, Baby Bottle, AT4050, and a C414.

id go with the 414 out of those.
the 4050 is good ish but not as good as a 414
You can find used ones for $500 all day long. I found my pair of early 80's 414's for $700. C214's are $500-600 new if you don't need the multiple patterns of a 414.

I don't have any clips of it on vocals. I have time this week I'll reamp something with a 414 and a 57 for you.

Awesome man. I'll look forward to that:cool:

Just PM me or something when done.