Blue Oyster Cult @ Naperville Ribfest July 6


Doom On!
Apr 14, 2004
West Burbs of Chicago
Pretty sure I will hit this up, esp being a Sunday evening.

Also playing are Foghat and George Thorogood.

BOC play at 6:30PM, which is all that really matters.
@ Sean - I have never seen them. Many times they come they play older theater's that cater to the "blue hairs" who have no problem paying $75 to see them in a seated venue.

@ Justin - The lines are insane and the ribs are so-so. I am never too big on eating at "Taste of (insert city name)" type of places.
yeah I don't like eating outside at those things. I got sun burned last year when I went for a few hours.

And paying entree prices for sample portions that you get on a paper plate with one napkin, and eating standing or sitting in the grass......

I would primarily be going for the tunes. Not even sure I would eat there.
And paying entree prices for sample portions that you get on a paper plate with one napkin, and eating standing or sitting in the grass......

I would primarily be going for the tunes. Not even sure I would eat there.

I usually go for the petting zoo.

A rib fest is not the background that I would want for the first time seeing a band like Blue Oyster Cult. I feel it would ruin the band for me. Other bands (Alice Cooper, Uriah Heep, Thin Lizzy) from the era can get by not doing "gimmick" gigs like neighborhood fests or state fairs so why can't BOC. Every show I have ever seen BOC billed on is rib fest or a state fair. Drinking game...drink every time some says "more cowbell." What a joke and disgrace.
A rib fest is not the background that I would want for the first time seeing a band like Blue Oyster Cult. I feel it would ruin the band for me. Other bands (Alice Cooper, Uriah Heep, Thin Lizzy) from the era can get by not doing "gimmick" gigs like neighborhood fests or state fairs so why can't BOC. Every show I have ever seen BOC billed on is rib fest or a state fair. Drinking game...drink every time some says "more cowbell." What a joke and disgrace.

Those shows actually pay them really well. Sure it sucks seeing a band in that environment but at the end of the day you still get to see them and not drive that far. Sure it is going to be families and meatheads drinking. Hey...Smash Mouth played a block from my apartment at our Ribfest. I would say you guys got a better deal on bands. But I do have Boston about 4 blocks from coming in August.