Blue Voodoo


Dec 1, 2005
Does anyone remember back in the day when these were THE amp to have because they looked really cool when the tubes heated up. What happened to them? Did the Mesa fanboys just take over or what? The reason I ask is because I've been looking for a solid tube amp for a few weeks and these keep popping up on ebay. So does anyone know anyone that still uses these amps?
I think a few people are playing the massive 3,000,000 watt one now...the one that Marshall ripped off for the Mode Four. I've only heard that one live a couple of times....both times seeing Dope (I was working for the production company that brought them through MT at the time), and the second night they played, the fuse blew in the amp within 30 seconds, so they had to use one of the opening act's Dual Rec.
Mine see's plenty of use in the studio. has a really good "chunk" to it! If you've seen the Road Runner All Stars DVD there was one of those along side the Marshalls, Boogies and 5150's. It might even have been the segment that James Murphy solo'd on. (Which was Awesome by the way!) I'll have to go back and watch it again.....