Blur (awesome game!!!)


Jul 12, 2005
Seattle, WA
Hey all,

Anyone play the game Blur here on this thread? It's for the 360 and PS3. EDIT: and for PC too.

For those of you who haven't played it, go download the demo or buy it...

The only way I can describe this game is like Mario Kart for adults. It combines elements of NFS and Forza and Mario Kart. So you drive badass cars in an awesome graphically intense rancing game, but you have powerups to rape your opponents. :lol:

I'm sure you can find tons of footage on youtube of the game, but here's a few vids that got me interested in buying it... and I'm LOVING IT!!!


Trailer 2:

Their website: (has a hilarious opening/intro video that's pretty short)

Here's the deal going on this week if you want to buy it (trust me, it's worth it!!!!)
Best Buy has it for only $40, and with some other coupons you can get it for only $10 this week.

$20 off coupon =

$10 off coupon = activate your Gamers Club thingy for your Reward Zone membership (if you have one) on and get 500 bonus points ($10 off for Blur).

Total = $10 :D

Ok, that's all for now. Just thought I'd share the love if you like racing games.

PS -
The first Best Buy I went to didn't want to accept my coupons with their combined $40 promo going on right now... but then I decided to go to a different best buy and a manager rung me up and said the other Best Buy didn't understand that they have to accept the coupons and that they were dumb. :lol: Lesson learned: don't give up. Ask for a manager, go to a different best buy, or have someone else ring you up. They can and should accept all coupons to get you this game for only $10.
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I have this game on X360 and it´s fun. It´s a Mario kart with nice graphics and real cars, something that I wanted for a long time. It´s easy to learn (anyone can pickup and play) and has 4 player split-screen, which makes it a great "party game". Also has a cool "destruction derby" mode.

I probably don´t recommend the PC version. It looks great, but it´s basically a console port and, besides the keyboard, it only works with the Xbox360 gamepad. There aren´t many people playing it online on PC because Steam messed up on the release and most regions of the world are not allowed to buy it. Game still fun on local matches, but beware if you´re planning on playing it online.
Very true.

This game has received most online gameplay and matchmaking love primarily for the 360, then PS3, and PC last.

It is indeed a very fun party game. But it's also fun to play by yourself in multiplayer and play against up to 20 players in ranked matches too. Although I suck still at the game, even when I fail it's still a fun as hell game.

What platform do you have it for? 360?

Anyone that has a 360, feel free to add me for customs or matchmaking for this game.

My xboxlive gt is: Like A Gazelle