Bob Barker Retiring After 50 Years on TV

The UK TV equivalent of Bob Barker:


Weird to see such devotion to the host of the price is right, but I guess its only because australia had a really crappy host:

and thats why no one really watched it much.
They're looking at Richard Karn for a replacement.

I mentioned this to Cara and she said "but what about Family Feud??" AND THEN just after that we saw a commercial that showed J Peterman from Seinfeld is the new host, so I watched the new family feud today and the new set is an ugly abomination. I thought Richard Karn was a nice family feud host though, boohoo
our new drummer has a stencil of RDA on his bass drumhead, and the first time i saw it i thought it was sting hahaha i was like "big Police fan huh?" and hes like "what the fuck are you talking about thats McGyver" and i was like "thats fucking awesome!" and he was like "i know!"

my stories rule.
i never brag about how much i drink. it pisses me off when people do that. its like wow you drank liquid?! how did you do that? you're my hero!@