Bobby in Iced Earth

Statement from Richard:

"Hello, Richard Christy here. I just wanted to say a few things about my decision to leave ICED EARTH. First off, it was the hardest decision I've ever had to make. I spent many sleepless nights wondering what to do before I made the final decision to leave the band.

"The reason I'm leaving is because at the end of June I will be auditioning to work for a legendary show that I have been a fan of for many, many years, 'The Howard Stern Show'. Howard Stern's show got me through many years of working at a day job that I didn't really enjoy, my electrician job in Orlando, Florida.

"When I heard that I was one of the ten finalists to try out for Stuttering John's job I could not believe it, it was a dream come true to even be considered. I also want to let everyone know that I don't yet have the job, I am just auditioning for the job at the end of June, then the audience will vote for who they want to replace Stuttering John. This made the decision even harder because right now I am living a metal drummer's dream by playing in one of my favorite metal bands, but the week that I am auditioning for Stuttering John's job on Howard Stern conflicts with ICED EARTH's tour schedule. What it comes down to is that if I didn't try out for the job on Howard Stern I would regret it every day for the rest of my life because that would be the greatest job I could ever dream of having.

"I really don't look forward to going back to my electrician job after touring, so if I work my ass off and do a good job working for Howard then maybe my dream will come true and I can have a permanent job working for the greatest show in the history of radio. Whatever happens, I will definitely still keep playing music, I've played the drums for twenty years now and I will never stop playing.

"Finally I want to say that I love the guys in ICED EARTH and I love the music that I've made with them over the past four years, I am a very lucky guy to have had the chance to tour around the world with one of my favorite metal bands and I'm very sorry for any trouble that I have caused by making this decision. Bobby Jarzombek is my favorite drummer and I am very much looking forward to hearing him play with the band, I know he will do an amazing job.

"Thanks and take care."
Well I love Richard Christy and even more Bobby Jarzombek, but i think it is a waste of talent for them to play (or have played) with Iced earth.....But we all have to pay our bills don't we......

For me , Bobby is the # 1 drummer in the world with such amazing work done on Spastic ink. Saddly again i fear he will not be showing his full potential with Iced earth.

Ron Jarzombek, what about a spastic tour....i'm sure Pete and Jason and probably Bobby would want that! What do you say.........
You are talking like he is going to be a plumber, not drummer in a metal band. :)

I wouldn't mind if I could pay my bills by playing drums in Iced Earth.

And for the waste of talent - He will find some time to play what he really likes (even if it wouldn't be Spastic Ink, but we all hope it will).

Ron, will you play Sick, Dirty, Sick on a tour?
Well you know after hearing what he can do on spastic ink, i just can't go for less even when it's well done.

To me Bobby's work on Spastic Ink is kind of a reference of a complete drummer (it's only my opinion) .

As for me going hard on Iced Earth, I never liked the band , i've listen to it and never found something in it left me emotionless.........Plus Bobby will have play what other drummers have done. And i don't want to put down the previous drummers but i think that this band is too much controled by one man Jon. So by intering in that band i think that you 'll have to play in a kind of way that Jon wants and i don't think that Bobby will have the White card to do what he wants. I think, that's it's like, get in the the band and play that way.

Any way, best of luck to Bobby
yeah, from all accounts, Jon Schaffer is very controlling and basically has the attitude that he's the sole reason for Iced Earth's success. For me, Matt Barlow was what really made Iced Earth enjoyable, and now that he's gone, I've lost all interest in them.

Best of luck to Bobby, though, and maybe being in a higher profile band will draw some more attention to Ink. Then again, he was with Halford, which is at least as big as Iced Earth.
@ Jason: Don't take wrong. Bobby is one of the best.

Time will tell how is this going to affect Spastic Ink.

(Maybe a A Wild Hare for the tour? With video beam? :D )