Bolt Thower


Who Dares Wins
Mar 26, 2002
Just heard "7th Offensive". Fucking awesome. OK, now I've come out from under a rock, can someone tell me which Bolt Thrower album to get first?
Bolt Thrower are death metal, but also get tagged as 'War metal' :err:
As for albums, my favourite is 'Realm of Chaos', but this is quite different from their other stuff, as it is grindcore (recorded in 1989). After that album, they had a rather big stylistic change, into the style that they play now. Pretty much every album since ROC has been the same, in terms of style- mid paced death metal built around crushing riffs.
Albums you should check out:
Warmaster (regarded as probably their best, though I have not heard it yet :mad: )
Mercenary (very cool)
Honour, Valour, Pride (the new one, which has the song you mentioned)
I got this Earache compilation cd that came with a mag. call S.O.D (Sound Of Death) which feat. Bolt Thrower... I can't remember which issue was it 5 or 6, anyway, I just wanna know what is the song name that Bolt Thrower played in it, seem to forgot it (lost the cd)

- red_beef
Bolt Thrower is fairly consistent, so it's hard to go wrong with them. Realm of Chaos and Warmaster are perhaps the two stand out albums, but personally I have a real soft spot for In Battle There Is No Law, their debut recorded in 1987 or 1988. To me, it sounds like what Slayer might have become if they took Reign In Blood a step further.
Critically, Warmaster is thier most appraised album, but among fans and war-metallers, ...For Victory and The IVth Crusade are most commonly considered the strongest. My favourite is thier latest, but I also like Realm Of Chaos which is very abrasive and grinding but still with awesome riffing (World Eater), Warmaster (What Dwells Within, Cenotaph) and Mercenary because of it's precursive similarity to Honour Valour Pride, both of which have heavier, darker riffing and more progressiveness than the albums before them.
There is nothing "grindcore" with REALM OF CHAOS!
Just becuase Earache had TONS of those bands on their label in the beginning doesnt make Bolt Thrower grind!
The music is just like on all their other albums but with worser production...There are some blastbeats, just like Altars of Madness (1989 as well) and is that album grindcore? NO!
For sure one of the greatest Deathmetalband on this fucking planet.

It's very brutal (not fast), but the best LP to start is definitly "The IV. crusade", after this one try ...for victory.

I think this both albums are the best of BT.
Really fantastic double bass and there are riffs... Incredible!!!

....FOR VICTORY!!!!!!!!!
..For Victory
IVth Crusade

New one is good, but not as good as the above. I tried and I tried
but the good stuff on For Victory is just great! Guitar themes are
Originally posted by maestro_al
Just heard "7th Offensive". Fucking awesome. OK, now I've come out from under a rock, can someone tell me which Bolt Thrower album to get first?

Get the ones with Martin Van Drunen on vocals. I forgot the titles.
I would recommend
IVth Crusade
Realm of Chaos
Honour Valour Pride

my favorite song is no guts no glory,it's just amazing
Realm Of Chaos isn't proper grindcore because there are slower songs, and most of the rest of the tracks have quite melodic intros, but those always break away into proper grindcore a little into the songs.
Bolt Thrower haven't done anything interesting for years. Although they are a solid DM band, I don't get too excited about something that has been done for so long. That's just my opinion.