Bolt Thrower cover - need help with my master comping

Maybe more hi pass on bass? Kick too? Guitars are pretty good. Doesnt sound like its extremely pumping, but it is holding back hi end.
I can't add anything that hasn't been already said, but I'd like to say FUCK YEAH Bolt Thrower
Cheers for the input guys!

I've taken about 1dB off the kick at about 60Hz, and fiddled with the comp a bit.
Put a LPF on the kick and the bass.
Also taken 0.5dB off the low end of the bass, and tightened the comp a bit.
Rolled a bit of the high mid boost off the guitars, and turned them down a bit.
Put an exciter on the snare. Time It's War - 3.mp3

Sounds better?

I can't add anything that hasn't been already said, but I'd like to say FUCK YEAH Bolt Thrower

:headbang: Ridiculously good band.

On a side note, I keep bouncing my mixes to my iPod, only to find a shit-ton of clipping which I cannot hear at all on my monitors, which is slightly worrying.