Bon Jovi- Atlanta

Those two albums lacked HUGE hit singles that their predecessors had. The a couple million they sold was to the genuine fans of the band, but not to the casual people who would only buy albums because they heard a hit song on the radio.

so in other words, the band had played out...:Smug:
(I was hoping for some of the obscure songs from the first two albums. 'Shot Through the Heart' would have been nice).
I think you mean "You Give Love A Bad Name." ;)
Jon can't hit the same notes anymore, but he doesn't need to, because they are now a rock band a la Nickelback.
He doesn't need to because now they play the songs in a different key because he can't hit the notes. I saw them play on some television show just a few months ago and I thought it just sounded bad, but then, I also don't like the strong "pop-country" direction Bon Jovi has taken since Crush ... and that's coming from someone who really liked the quasi-country solo material Jon did for the Young Guns II soundtrack.
I had no idea they were more than a nostalgia band. I don't think I know more than 5 of the songs on that set list.
I counted and I knew 8 (including the covers). I used to consider myself a big Bon Jovi fan. I'm sorry I missed seeing them live back when I was. Now it would be a waste of money to pay that much and end up sitting (or worse, possibly holding my ears) for more than half the set.
I really don't think she realizes they have a song called Shot Through The Heart. :lol:

:blush: It really has been a long time since I listened to any Bon Jovi. Believe it or not, I actually do own "Runaway" on CD and simply forgot about that track since I haven't reached for that album in so long. Wasn't trying to be a jerk. I bow to your vast musical knowledge. :notworthy
(I was hoping for some of the obscure songs from the first two albums. 'Shot Through the Heart' would have been nice).

I would have killed to hear them do "Shot Through the Heart" or "Roulette." Unfortunately they only did those a couple of times at the beginning of the tour. I kept watching the setlists online and ended up skipping them this time around since they were just doing the same old songs as last time with the new material. Oh well, at least there's some cool youtube footage of them doing the good stuff. Thanks to the people posting the setlists for saving me some $.