Bona Na Croin

Originally posted by Wandrail
Harhar..true..although it is fun to think I am causing people to vomit all over their keyboards from this display of affection! :grin:

Yeah that is pretty fun isn't it? :muahaha: I don't wanna get kicked offa da board though when it's a lot more fun to show you the affection in person :grin:

I hope you're feeling better hun! I think it's translating to me cuz my throat has been hurting all day! Maybe I just miss you and need a good dose of "Eric Hugs" to heal me.. Maybe that's all YOU need, a good dose of "Tammy Hugs" *assaults with kisses*
Missin' ya... :cry:

Originally posted by sh0kr0k
Yeah that is pretty fun isn't it? :muahaha: I don't wanna get kicked offa da board though when it's a lot more fun to show you the affection in person :grin:

I hope you're feeling better hun! I think it's translating to me cuz my throat has been hurting all day! Maybe I just miss you and need a good dose of "Eric Hugs" to heal me.. Maybe that's all YOU need, a good dose of "Tammy Hugs" *assaults with kisses*
Missin' ya... :cry:


Indeed, and I can't wait to do just that, as soon as you can get away and come down here...:) I know I definitely miss you like mad, and the pure intensity of your touch just might drive away these filthy germs ;). -launches counter-strike of kisses and embracing- ...oh yeah, we're trying to STOP this public display of affection haha...

You know, for your sake I hope you aren't getting anythign like what I had, which is STILL not out of my system. Its probably a result of having so many late nights one after the other, run yourself down, youre around all those people at college, bound to catch something! So, make sure you take care of yourself, you will need your health, my dear...

The extent to which I miss you is reflected in the deep percing sensation I feel in my chest...return to me soon ;)

Originally posted by Wandrail
Indeed, and I can't wait to do just that, as soon as you can get away and come down here...:) I know I definitely miss you like mad, and the pure intensity of your touch just might drive away these filthy germs ;). -launches counter-strike of kisses and embracing- ...oh yeah, we're trying to STOP this public display of affection haha...

You know, for your sake I hope you aren't getting anythign like what I had, which is STILL not out of my system. Its probably a result of having so many late nights one after the other, run yourself down, youre around all those people at college, bound to catch something! So, make sure you take care of yourself, you will need your health, my dear...

The extent to which I miss you is reflected in the deep percing sensation I feel in my chest...return to me soon ;)


I think that what I might be getting is nothing more than just a sore throat, but if I does develop into more, it's probably from around here. Damn dirty college students:rolleyes: Actually, I just think it's a case of MED (("Missin'EricDisease")).. *falls into counter-strike attempt, is now your helpless victim ---- oh yeah, that's right :blush: we're trying not to make people :Puke: HAHA!

"The extent to which I miss you is reflected in the deep percing sensation I feel in my chest...return to me soon ;)"

Oh my! *swoons* Yes, Master... *packs bags to return home* ;)

That would have looked better if I had botyhered to spell piercing right. ALl the same, you know what I mean ;). I would love to cure you of this horrid MED. At thge very least start an Avantasia-rivalliung collaboration between power metal band memebrs and Coronach to raise funds to stop this horrid disease. Call it Power-Aid (harhar, so gay). Seriously, I'm listening to Wait for Sleep, and for some reason its tearing my heart out...I think with just a little thought, I can translate anything i see or hear into an intense longing to be with you ;)...

Master, eh? Hmmm..heheh...still, how good is it for a master to be so in the power of his woman? ;) (I'll say its damn good, actually).

HAHAHA! POWER-AID! Ya hear that , Glenn?! Competition! *chuckles* Wait for Sleep is quite possibly one of my favorite DT songs of all time! It does just that - rips my heart out! Along with Space-Dye Vest (Awake) It takes less than a little for me to long to be with you :cry: I need MED cure, immediately!

What good is it for a woman to have control over her Master when he holds her heart in his hands? ((Damn good, I'll say! :) ))
Yeah, like Power-Ade, the drink...gah, such a bad joke, haha..."Moooo?"

You will have such a cure as immediately as is possible, darlin'...good thing is, that same cure will heal me of my Tammy Deficiency Syndrome.

So we are both in control yet both somewhat helpless...its quite the intense experience... and I don't see it ever yielding...


TDS & MED are serious conditions that need attention as soon as possible! I'm willing for treatment anytime, Doctor (uh-oh.. "Doctor Eric?!?!" :D:D))

Quite the Catch 22, but only serves to make it the cure that much more incredible! ... or something. *tackle-hugs!*

HAHA! Indeed, the fabled uptake...what CAN'T fly into it??

Tammyology, that is indeed my calling! I must be the only Doctor specializing in this field, although it seems many would attempt the course ;). I must know all things about Tammy, and of course I could never be familiar enough with the Tammy anatomy...-recalls this being a public, though not oft' viewed thread- heheh.

Well, I know that Pelicans can fly into it.. and Bison.. but I don't know what CAN'T?! :D

Tammyology is a one-student course that only offers a Masters degree to one sexy Metalhunk.. and since you're the current enrolled student, I vouch that no others will be abel to attend the University of Tammyology.. not even for a guided tour!
*realizes this is the only thread on UM that we can _sortof_ get away with yammering back and forth about sentimental sappy stuff and random other life-topics* Hmm.. our proverbial "Room" *falls over laughing* That's what we should call our remaining thread!!!
Pelicans that attack young, future-metalheads? =/

The University of Tammyology it is! Of course, it is a doctor's duty to alwaysstay up to speed with the latest advances and findings, so my enrollment will simply have to be continual, allowing for no others in the foreseeable future ;).

Oh yeah, it is much better to carry on here than in the general chat forum! Heheh...and we siomply have to carry on to some extent (some?) since at this exact moment tonight this is our only mode of conversing! I also think "Room" is a fantastic idea heheheheh, especially in the off-chance someone tells us to get a room, we have a corny comeback, that we already have one ;D.

Pelicans are dangerous man, watch out!

The University of Tammyology does not forsee actually graduating you from the academy as that would mean you would no longer be the student. This is bad. You are and will remain the only student until you do something stupid like say you hate Iron Maiden or that AIC is death metal! :lol: Obviously then you could not be kicked out nor can you leave! You signed up for the extended program ;)

Hmm... I think if I ever get these damned papers done I'll head over to and play there for a while. I'll either change the name of the thread or axe it and make two new ones.. I'll figure that out later.

Right now, I'm just happy to be talking with you in any method at all... If I wasn't still working on these papers I'd be in my room and we could talk, but alas I am strapped with homework at the last second before Thanskgiving Break. *le-sigh* Darling, I must get back to work. I have a LOT to do and a big day ahead of me tomorrow! I'll write to you sometime again tomorrow since I'll be moving out and going back home for a few days. I hope that you have a good night, rest well, and "awake" at 100% betterness (except for the chronic TDS, which will soon be treated!)

*pauses and remembers that UM has PMs too!!!*

I did indeed sign up for the extended program, and am damn glad that no man can know all there is to know...there is always more to know and learn ;), and always more days to spend consumed/uplifted by what I feel for you, until of course...I snuff it! -In the background...Who daaaaares to knoooooow foreeveeeeeerrrr??-

You definitely should get your work done, and I completely understand that it is paramount that you do that instead of spend your night on the phone with me =) as much as I wish that were the case. I wont be leaving here to go to KY until late wednesday night...or possibly early thursday morning, I don;t know. But I will definitely talk to you before could I go so many days without knowing what is going on in your world, feeling too aliented from you? Would be horrible =(!!

I just saw that UM has Private Messages today, heheh, and added you to the "buddy list". I am going to answer your email and I may be on a bit longer...either way, i hope your paper goes well, and that eventually you get some SLEEP. Know that you are always on my mind, and...that I long to be with you more than anything...-kiss-

Bah! Now I'm just grumpy cuz I couldn't talk to you before we both left for the holidays >_< Come to find out, we aren't going out of town anymore.... *rolls eyes* I'll miss you entirely, Eric! But I suppose I will talk with you when you get back and when I get back to school. I'm not going to spend much time on-line this week, I need rest instead...
Haha, actually, I am waitin guntil the morning to leave, because im too tired from being sick and not getting home rom work until almost midnight =/ .
god, I love that picture of you in your icon! You so damn hot! MWRAR!

I'm glad you did decide that, but I hope you're in bed now hun... rest well and I look forward to hearing from you when you get back! *blows you a kiss*

Well, hello there my friend.

So much time to waste on boards such as these! heh heh... indeed, though good to waste the time with a friend and his friends! :)

And greetings to you as well shOkrOk. Any friend of Eric's is a friend of mine. :) Pleased to meet you.

I suppose I will post quite a bit here... as I've nothing to do in this city other than work, eat and sleep. heh heh

Until the next post!

Slaine lioart