Boo Ball Photos


Many Many Many photos of Boo Ball are at:
Maybe it's the old Catholic influence over me, but Jojo looks mighty cute as a nun. :saint: :devil: :devil: :heh:
cycosuicide said:
Yeah..The Maidens and the strippers looked good, but I looked even better in that Eddie outfit, wouldn't you all say? :p:p
I wouldn't say that. I wasn't there. I was at the Galaxy watching the Genitorturers where the chicks were nekkid. :D
cycosuicide said:
Yeah..The Maidens and the strippers looked good, but I looked even better in that Eddie outfit, wouldn't you all say? :p:p
Yeah, the Maidens were quite, uh, lovely, in the costumage, and the strippers were, uh, interesting! But the most hottielicious of all was definitely EDDIE! Yummy, dead guy in cloak...
Bruce Chickinson said:
That was one of the clinching factors in my hubby many women DO like King Diamond....hmmm, none that I can think of except moi.

So I mentaly reviewed in my mind.. and I do belive you're right. Out of my 5 or so female metal-fan friends, I don't think any of them like King Diamond/ Mercyful Fate that much...

Guess we have a diamoned in the rough here :)

-HobbesDawg (Hum, what bands DO they like then?)