REQUEST ANTHRAX on the radio!


Feb 2, 2002
It's been a while since we've requested Anthrax. Street Teamer Gary from San Diego e-mailed me:

Whats up bud

Gary from Diego here. The local rock station ROCK 1053 has been playig
a shitload of thrax as of lately. I think we need to start blitzing
them like we did to the zone so that they will continue to give Thrax
some airplay.

They are currently running a contest where they play back to back Thrax
tunbes, you call in win tix and swag.

Here is the stations contact info.


The DJS that WILL play ANthrax are

MISSI (plays evey time I request)
BC and Clint
Gregg Stone

Just get everyone to keep emailing them. They will listen to us. Just
dont be douchbags to them.
[url=""][/url] (this is the email
request info)

or call 858-570-1053.

Lets get Anthrax on the Rock all the time.
I think this needs a little bit more organized. I think we should just all agree on one song from Alive 2 to promote.

So far, I've got about 5 songs on my station, from both the Joey and John era's. I also love playing Anthrax when I do my live shows. Which reminds me, I have one tonight at 7PM EST, 0:00 GMT. Feel free to tune in. :)
id request a anthrax song, but the only remotely heavy station that chicago had was 947 the zone, but they took them off the air for doo-wop horseshit.
Just heard "What Doesn't Die" on Sirius Radio.
I don't even bother listening to regular radio anymore.

Satellite radio is the future.
LuvataciousSkull said:
That reminds me... I'm doing my show right now, so feel free to tune into some Anthrax right now! :D

Server is full! :guh:

You are at your listener capacity.
I'll try later.

Heard "What Doesn't Die (Live)" and "Cadillac Rock Box" today on satellite radio today...and I wasn't even listening very long.
:rock: :rock: :rock: