Anthrax - Old versus New: The debate rages on...


New Metal Member
Mar 22, 2004
Norn Ireland
The reunion of the lineup certainly looks to have rattled a few cages around the world, and you only have to look around these (and other) boards to see the mixed reaction from Thrax fans old and new.
I've seen a few old die hards turn their backs on the band because of the Bush departure and I've seen fans coming back with a hunger for 'their' original Anthrax.

At the end of the day the guys have made the decision to give this a try. All we have to do as fans is listen. - If you like it tell your friends and support Anthrax the best you can, if you don't and you think you never will.... then just walk away, call it a day, goodbye, cheers, adios amigo.

My opinion for those interested:
The Bellandonna Anthrax days rocked
The Bush Anthrax days rocked
The 2005 Anthrax days.. I'm excited to see... I'll let you know! :rock:

Big Red - Northern Ireland
"I've seen a few old die hards turn their backs on the band because of the Bush departure and I've seen fans coming back with a hunger for 'their' original Anthrax."

There hasn't been any "Bush Departure".......................

Crabmeat said:
"I've seen a few old die hards turn their backs on the band because of the Bush departure and I've seen fans coming back with a hunger for 'their' original Anthrax."

There hasn't been any "Bush Departure".......................


Ulster Mosher said:
Hey Big Red. Moved over from the Metallica board? I take you'll be in Dublin then?

Working on it! - although i heard there was a bigger crowd at the Belfast gig last time round, so i can't understand why they're playing Dublin and not Belfast (too\instead). - Belfast = 20min drive :grin: : Dublin = 2hrs :cry:
I love all 3 line-ups, but have to admit the Bush era was my favorite. Joey is cool, but he sounds alot like Vince Neil.
Ya Know, I think the Idea of this reunion is growing on me. With the new splash page, and more new pics posted on the Web Page, it's lookin good!!! I'm an old Skool Metal head so I like the old stuff anyway. I really don't think Anthrax would want to release Crap (Live the Island Years) so I think this is going to be interesting, I will enjoy it!

Foolishly Optimistic??? We Shall see!
BigRed said:
Working on it! - although i heard there was a bigger crowd at the Belfast gig last time round, so i can't understand why they're playing Dublin and not Belfast (too\instead). - Belfast = 20min drive :grin: : Dublin = 2hrs :cry:
It was hard to tell for us which had the bigger crowd. We were at the front both gigs. One thing I will say, I've seen the Ulster Hall filled more in the past. I remember being at gigs shich were packed front to back, but this time there was a LOT of space ont he floor from what I heard. Tell you what though, I've never seen so many people crowd surfing IN MY LIFE at a gig. Awesome craic. I don't know why they chose Dublin over Belfast, or played both, but I can only assume that they aren't doing a full UK tour with the reunion lineup (at least not yet) as these gigs are warm-up shows for Holland. (I think).
Good to see another positive post. All the negative energy sucked ass. This tour is gonna kick ass, I may have to catch a couple shows. I wish they would announce somethin..I also don't really see many fans walking away. They may want to cry and bitch but if they are true Anthrax fans then they will stick around. Unless maybe they became fans during teh BUSH era which some have stated... It just doesnt make sense to me, these are the guys that released all the classics. Its gonna rock whether Joey is a screamer or NOT!
To be honest, I'm gutted at the whole debacle. I grew up with Belladonna Anthrax. They provided the soundtrack to my youth. However, it was plainly obvious to me that the Bush era was far superior musically.

Bush ain't out of the band ? Don't treat us like kids and try and soften the blow guys. If John, Rob et al are out of the band then at least be big enough to stand up and admit that they were treated terribly.

I'll have to seriously think about whether I buy any future Anthrax releases. As a fan, I prefer a band with loyalty. When loyalty doesn't even extend to bandmates who have been there 14 years then I start to wonder.

Maybe I've got the wrong end of this particular stick, and if so then I apologise wholeheartedly. I'm only saying what everyone is thinking.
caledoniaman said:
As a fan, I prefer a band with loyalty.
They weren't very loyal to Joey when they signed that huge contract with Elektra and cut him loose. After all, his vocals were just as instrumental in their rise in popularity as the music, so he should've reaped the rewards of that multi-million dollar deal. Instead, he was fired.

So if it's loyalty you're looking for, I'm not so sure Anthrax is the band you want.

Since I just care about the music, I am pretty psyched about the reunion :)
tomass74 said:
Good to see another positive post. All the negative energy sucked ass. This tour is gonna kick ass, I may have to catch a couple shows. I wish they would announce somethin..I also don't really see many fans walking away. They may want to cry and bitch but if they are true Anthrax fans then they will stick around. Unless maybe they became fans during teh BUSH era which some have stated... It just doesnt make sense to me, these are the guys that released all the classics. Its gonna rock whether Joey is a screamer or NOT!

:rock: Ya man I agree with everything you posted there. If people wanna walk away from the band, that's their perogative. Personally I like the Joey era best, so I'm gonna catch as many shows as I can!!! :kickass: