yes anthrax playing nyc!!!!

I'll be there, all the way from Scotland. It sure is great having a girlfirend who lives in Brooklyn!!!! I was over for the Stone Pony show back in May, which was a cool show, but way too short a set from Anthrax.

So are the NYC Anthrax fans going for a few beers before the show? If so, can I join in?
chaosofanthrax said:
dutchy my good friend i think it holds up to 1500 or more people ive been there a ton times. its a cool place. the anthrax show is aug 28th. for those of you going to the show let me know!!!! i wanna meet up with some fellow anthrax fans from the board!

sorry can't come, Holiday in Puarto Vallarta Mexico, gettin waysted on tequilla slammers!!
Sell that motherfucker out!!
DINO said:
I'll be there, all the way from Scotland. It sure is great having a girlfirend who lives in Brooklyn!!!! I was over for the Stone Pony show back in May, which was a cool show, but way too short a set from Anthrax.

So are the NYC Anthrax fans going for a few beers before the show? If so, can I join in?
Dino! How's it going. I met you and Alex at the Jersey show. I'm taken the day off ( probably the nex day to) for this show. Let me find a good bar in walking distance and we can all meet up for drinks before hand. Cheers.:kickass:
prime666 said:
Dino! How's it going. I met you and Alex at the Jersey show. I'm taken the day off ( probably the nex day to) for this show. Let me find a good bar in walking distance and we can all meet up for drinks before hand. Cheers.!:kickass:

There's no way in hell I can make it to this gig. I wish I could. I'm going to Philly and Pittsburgh and that's about it.

When I went to the show in Cleveland, I met up with a friend of mine and his friends (a couple of which own a bar called Peabody's) and we had a hugh entourage to the show. It's good to know that I was partly responsible for bringing in 8 sloppy sweaty beer guzzling motherfuckers to the show. I'll probably do the same for Pittsburgh. A friend of mine is gonna be in town for the Pittsburgh show and he's in a frat. Could you imagine a bunch of frat boys at an Anthrax gig?? I know there'll be an after party. Ty, you're invited.
OK Prime, I must confess that I must have been more fried than I thought at the Stone Pony as I don't recall talking to you, however, I'd be more than happy to make your aquaintance at the Irving Plaza show next month. There must be at least one bar on Irving Place the 'Thrax Board Members can meet up at. Just let me know and I'll be there.
Damn good show. Damn cheap bear. A co worker of mine ( who I didnt know at the time) was there hanging out with Vinnie Stigma of Agnostic Front fame. The power of Lemm'y mole was indeed strong that night.